
Showing 201 - 210 results of 596

Accelerators provide the majority of performance in modern High Performance Computing (HPC) systems and are the fundamental building blocks Exascale systems. The European PILOT (Pilot using Independent Local & Open Technology) will be the first demonstration of two ALL European HPC and High Performance Data Analytics (HPDA) (AI, ML, DL) accelerators, designed,...

The project ORION is aligned with the goals of decarbonization of the European transportation sector and Europe's vision to achieve net zero greenhouse gas (GHG) emissions by 2050. ORION intends to perform a Proof of Concept of a swirl low-NOX burner using a secondary hydrogen stream that contributes to mitigate stability problems found in swirl-stabilized lean premixed...

Available single cell reference biological data of tissues from pediatric healthy individuals within collaborative projects as the Human Cell Atlas are scarce. This type of data is fundamental to determine how tissues develop throughout early stages of life and are projected to adulthood. Thus, it is necessary to generate pediatric specific data from diverse tissues that can...

NextProt, tiene como objetivo utilizar modelado de vanguardia reciente para encontrar (bioprospección) y mejorar (diseñar) la próxima generación de proteasas para detergentes. La idea principal reside en el uso de PluriZimas, enzimas con centros activos adicionales introducidos por diseño computacional, para mejorar dos de los principales...

The aim of HPCQS is to prepare European research, industry and society for the use and federal operation of quantum computers and simulators. These are future computing technologies that are promising to overcome the most difficult computational challenges. HPCQS is developing the programming platform for the quantum simulator, which is based on the European ATOS Quantum...

This response to the tender, entitled, CAMS2_40 Regional Air Quality Products, falls under the second phase of Copernicus (2021-2027), Cop2. Following the first phase (2015-2020), Cop1, the regional production service (CAMS_50) led by Meteo-France and co-managed by Meteo-France/INERIS has consolidated, improved and developed its activities to best meet all the existing and...

Pollution is one of the most significant environmental problems in modern cities, leading to disturbing odour episodes and low-air quality conditions that can be detrimental to public health. Its impact is increasing given the continuous city growth (79 % of the population worldwide live in urban areas) and the climate change effects. Nowadays, half the cities in high-income...

Quantum Spain tenemos como objetivo impulsar y financiar una infraestructura competitiva y completa de computación cuántica en España. Nuestro proyecto dotará al presente ecosistema cuántico nacional de las herramientas necesarias para desarrollar un sólido tejido científico y tecnológico...

La IA tiene el potencial de mejorar la salud de las personas, acelerar la investigación clínica y biomédica para responder a preguntas científicas y retos en el sector de sanitario, así como proveer de servicios asistenciales más eficientes y reducir costes de forma sustancial. Sin embargo, no podemos explotar este potencial porque,...

Beyond-COVID (BY-COVID) aims to provide comprehensive open data on SARS-CoV-2, and other infectious diseases across scientific, medical, public health and policy domains. The project will have a strong emphasis on mobilising raw viral sequences, helping to identify and monitor the spread of SARS-CoV-2 variants. It will further accelerate access to and linking of data and...
