6th RES User's Conference and HPC Advisory Council Spain Conference 2012
Fecha: 12/Sep/2012 Time: 11:00 - 13/Sep/2012 Time: 18:00
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Programme for the RES Users' Meeting, 12th September 2012
10.30h – Registration
11.00h – Opening and welcome (Mrs.María Valpuesta Fernández, Vice Chancellor for Research and Transfer of the
University of Malaga)
Morning Sessions. Chairman: Gonzalo Claros Díaz, Director of the Andalusian Platform for Bioinformatics
11.05h – Presentation of the Ministry of Economy and Competitiveness (Mr. José Ignacio Doncel Morales, Subdirector
General de Planificación de Infraestructura Científicas y tecnológicas. MINECO.)
11.25h – Presentation of the University of Málaga (Emilio López Zapata, Professor at the University of Málaga and
Director of the Computer Architecture department)
11.45h – Supercomputing resources in RES & PRACE (Sergi Girona, Operations Director at Barcelona Supercomputing
12.10h – The RES Access Committee. Presentation & discussion. (Sergi Girona, Operations Director at Barcelona
Supercomputing Center)
12.40h – How does nature make glycosidic bonds? (Prof. Carme Rovira, Parc Científic de Barcelona)
13.00h – Lunch break
Afternoon sessions. Chairman: Francisco Villatoro, UMA Professor and senior science writer
14.00h – The MareNostrum Numerical Cosmology Project: Grand Challenge simulations of structure formation in the
Universe (Prof. Gustavo Yepes, Universidad Autónoma de Madrid)
14.20h – Self-assembly of molecules on surfaces (Prof. Manuel Alcamí, Universidad Autónoma de Madrid)
14.40h – Multiscale modeling of active fluids: selfpropellers and molecular motors (Prof. Ignacio Pagonabarraga,
Universitat de Barcelona)
15.00h – Coffee break
15.15h – Round table of CURES: Open issues of RES (Prof. Carme Rovira, Parc Científic de Barcelona; Prof. Jordi Torra,
Universitat de Barcelona)
15.45h – Conclusions and farewell
16.00h – End of the meeting and bus service transport
17.15h – Social activity: Visit to the Alcazaba de Málaga
Programme for the HPC Advisory Council Spain Conference 2012, 13th September 2012
08.00h – Registration and Welcome coffee
09.00h – Opening session: HPC Advisory Council activities (Gilad Shainer, HPC Advisory Council)
09.10h – Opening session: The Spanish Supercomputing Network (Sergi Girona, Barcelona Supercomputing Center)
09.20h – Keynotes: The Future of MPI (Dhabaleswar K. (DK) Panda, Ohio State University)
10.05h – rCUDA, an approach to provide remote access to GPU computational power (Antonio J.Peña, Technical University
of Valencia Spain)
10.50h – Coffee break
11.05h – The Co-Design Architecture for Exascale SHMEM, PGAS and MPI (Todd Wilde, Mellanox)
11.50h – Gold Sponsorship session: AMD
12.10h – Gold Sponsorship session: Dell
12.30h – Lunch break
13.30h – Gold Sponsorship session: Panasas
13.50h – Gold Sponsorship session: Hewlett Packard
14.10h – The European Technology Platform in the area of High-Performance Computing (Marcin Ostasz, Barcelona
Supercomputing Center)
14.40h – Programing models for heterogeneous computing (Manuel Ujaldon, University of Malaga)
15.10h – Dataflow Computing for Exascale HPC (Veljko Milutinovic, University of Belgrade)
15.40h – Quantum Computer Simulations using Supercomputers (Francisco R. Villatoro, University of Malaga)
16.10h – Coffee break
16.25h – Multiresolution Parallel Programming with Chapel (Vassily Litvinov, Cray)
16.55h – The Mont-Blanc project (Àlex Ramírez, Universitat Politècnica de Catalunya)
17.25h – Main benefits of task parallel frameworks (Rafael Asenjo, University of Malaga)
17.55h – Adjourn and Prize Raffle
18.00h – End of the conference and bus service transport
Other information can be found in http://www.hpcadvisorycouncil.com/events/2012/Spain-Workshop/index.php
Call for speakers in: http://www.hpcadvisorycouncil.com/events/2012/Spain-Workshop/speakers_reg.php