TADILER: Experience Replay in Zero-shot Clustering: Foundation Model Embeddings for Strategy-agnostic Domain Incremental Learning

Artificial Intelligence BSC Group: Computer Sciences Software
TADILER (Task-Agnostic Domain-Incremental Learning through Experience Replay), developed by Lenovo and BSC, is a methodology to derive AI models that employs zero-shot clustering and experience replay for domain-incremental learning. 
Software Author: 
Gusseppe Bravo, Peini Liu, Jordi Guitart, Ajay Dholakia, David Ellison

Apache License (Version 2.0)

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It uses foundation model embeddings to handle data across various domains without forgetting previously learned information. This technology is particularly adept at categorizing images in a zero-shot learning context, where it assigns clusters to unseen data and applies experience replay to reinforce memory and prevent forgetting.