Pandora: An HPC Agent-Based Modelling framework

Distributed Computing BSC Group: CASE Software

Pandora is a framework designed to create, execute and analyse agent-based models in high-performance computing environments. It has been programmed to allow the execution of large-scale agent-based simulations, and it is capable of dealing with thousands of agents developing complex actions. The users can choose to develop their code in Python (for fast prototyping) or C++ (complex models). Interfaces of both versions are identical, and share the same C++ base code (assuring compatibility and efficiency).

Software Author: 

Xavier Rubio-Campillo


xavier [dot] rubio [at] bsc [dot] es


LGPL License (Version 3.0)

Primary tabs

LGPL License (Version 3.0) (Latest Version)

Stable release

Release Notes

Requirements for Pandora can be found in the documentation of the library:

Pandora documentation library