BSIT: Barcelona Subsurface Imaging Tools

Distributed Computing BSC Group: CASE Software

Barcelona Subsurface Imaging Tools (BSIT) is a software platform, designed and developed to fulfill the geophysical exploration needs for HPC applications.

Software Author: 

Mauricio Hanzich, Josep de la Puente, Jean Kormann, Natalia Gutierrez, Miguel Ferrer, Juan Esteban Rodriguez, Samuel Rodriguez, Claudio Márquez, Vladimir Puzyrev, Albert Farrés, Raúl de la Cruz, Felix Rubio and Genís Aguilar

Research Lines:

mauricio [dot] hanzich [at] bsc [dot] es


Property of Repsol S.A.

Primary tabs

LICENSED (Latest Version)

Link below to access BSIT

Release Notes