SORS: The development of the application software for PEZY SC2 many-core processors

Fecha: 17/Oct/2019 Time: 11:00


Aula de Teleensenyament, B3 Building, Campus Nord

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Abstract: We have developed application software for PEZY SC2 many core processors. PEZY SC2 are the brand-new many-core processors (2048 cores). Shoubu system B with 672 SC2 processors was awarded world number 1 in Green top 100 four successive periods (half years). We are developing the codes of molecular dynamics, smoothed particle hydrodynamics, genome analysis, neural network simulation simulations. I will present the performance of the developed codes and discuss the perspective of the high performance computing with many core processors in near future.

Short bio: Dr. Ebisuzaki is well known Scientist in Astronautical science and Computer science (especially special purpose computer in multibody simulation).


Dr. Ebisuzaki is well known Scientist in Astronautical science and Computer science (especially special purpose computer in multibody simulation).