SORS: Happiness with or without ease?

Fecha: 17/Jul/2024 Time: 12:00


[ONSITE] Severo Ochoa Room, Capella, BSC.


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This seminar will be held in Spanish


Happiness, from classical ethics, is considered the "ultimate goal -or main objective- of life". We will analyze different concepts of happiness and different proposals to achieve it, with special emphasis on the ease and difficulty of each, including what we mean by ease and difficulty. Curiously, we will experience how difficult it is to agree on the very notion of 'ease' (almost as difficult as that of 'happiness').

Short Bio

Joan Manuel del Pozo is a Doctor of Philosophy and Professor Emeritus at the University of Girona. He was a co-founding member and has been director of the "Observatory of Ethics Applied to social, psycho-educational and socio-health action". His research focuses on Cicero, around whom he has published several publications. He has translated into Catalan, published by the "Bernat Metge Foundation", three philosophical treatises by Cicero, De natura deorum, De re publica and Paradoxa Stoicorum. He has also made the direct translation from the original Latin of the classic work of political thought Utopia by Thomas More. He is the author, among other books and articles, of the Educacionari essay, published by Ed. 62, an invitation to think and feel education through sixty concepts; and of the urban ethics essay Cities of values, valuable cities, published by Ed. Barcelona. He maintains an intense activity as a lecturer here and in several countries on subjects of education, philosophy, ethics and politics.


Speaker: Dr. Joan Manuel del Pozo i Àlvarez. Universitat de Girona.
Host: Anna Arias Duart. Recognised Researcher, Artificial Intelligence Research, Computer Sciences, BSC.