CASTIEL 2: Coordination and Support for National Competence Centres and Centres of Excellence on a European LevelCoordination and Support for National Competence Centres and Centres of Excellence on a...

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CASTIEL 2 will continue the mission of the CASTIEL H2020 project to coordinate and support the National Competence Centre initiative and in addition will now coordinate and support the Centres of Excellence in HPC. The activities of CASTIEL 2 will coordinate and support the NCC and CoE activities at the European level, and foster collaborations between NCCs and CoEs (and amongst each other) to achieve maximum impact to their user communities and the European HPC landscape.

CASTIEL 2 will significantly strengthen the collective impact of the CoEs and NCCs by fostering networking and interaction and identifying synergies, help to balance differences in HPC expertise/experience between countries, contribute to putting NCC and CoE activities onto a sustainable footing, and last but not least create a single reference point (by enhancing the EuroCC Access portal from CASTIEL) for all parties interested in European HPC expertise, codes, training materials and events, and services. This evolved EuroCC Access portal will be open to other European HPC activities funded by the EC or EuroHPC JU to register their offers, but generally toall interested parties, who can either gain from use or provide value to it. Thus, CASTIEL 2's main mission is to support and coordinate the increase in the overall level of competence indelivering HPC (and associated technologies) to academia, public administration and industry. CASTIEL 2 sets up the framework and will act as a reference point for the National Competence Centres and Centres of Excellence to collaborate with each other and exchange best practices and knowledge, all for strengthening the European HPC landscape and to offer best possible support to the user groups of these important technologies.
