
Mostrando 1 - 10 de 1580
  • 29 May 2025

    BSC Training Course: Introduction to OpenACC

    Ubicación: C6-E101, UPC Campus Nord, Barcelona
    Registrarse 2025-05-29 09:00:00 2025-05-29 19:00:00 Europe/Madrid BSC Training Course: Introduction to OpenACC For details, click on the following event link: https://www.bsc.es/es/education/training/bsc-training/bsc-training-course-introduction-openacc-0 C6-E101, UPC Campus Nord, Barcelona
  • 26 May 2025

    BSC Training Course: Introduction to CUDA Programming

    Ubicación: C6-E101, UPC Campus Nord, Barcelona 
    Registrarse 2025-05-26 09:00:00 2025-05-28 18:00:00 Europe/Madrid BSC Training Course: Introduction to CUDA Programming For details, click on the following event link: https://www.bsc.es/es/education/training/bsc-training/bsc-training-course-introduction-cuda-programming-0 C6-E101, UPC Campus Nord, Barcelona 
  • 15 May 2025
    Registrarse 2025-05-15 12:00:00 2025-05-15 12:00:00 Europe/Madrid SORS/WomenInBSC: Multi-scale cancer signaling network modeling using natural language processing For details, click on the following event link: https://www.bsc.es/es/research-and-development/research-seminars/sorswomeninbsc-multi-scale-cancer-signaling-network-modeling-using-natural-language-processing [HYBRID] BSC Auditorium and Online via Zoom
  • 06 May 2025

    12th International BSC Severo Ochoa Doctoral Symposium 2025

    Ubicación: The 12th International BSC Severo Ochoa Doctoral Symposium will take place in Sala d'actes, Edifici Vèrtex (UPC).
    2025-05-06 09:00:00 2025-05-08 18:00:00 Europe/Madrid 12th International BSC Severo Ochoa Doctoral Symposium 2025 For details, click on the following event link: https://www.bsc.es/es/education/predoctoral-phd/doctoral-symposium/12th-international-bsc-severo-ochoa-doctoral-symposium-2025 The 12th International BSC Severo Ochoa Doctoral Symposium will take place in Sala d'actes, Edifici Vèrtex (UPC).
  • 05 May 2025

    SORS: Exploring climate stabilisation under net zero emissions

    Ubicación: [HYBRID] Room 1-3-2, BSC Main Building and Online via Zoom
    Registrarse 2025-05-05 11:00:00 2025-05-05 11:00:00 Europe/Madrid SORS: Exploring climate stabilisation under net zero emissions For details, click on the following event link: https://www.bsc.es/es/research-and-development/research-seminars/sors-exploring-climate-stabilisation-under-net-zero-emissions [HYBRID] Room 1-3-2, BSC Main Building and Online via Zoom
  • 28 Apr 2025
    Registrarse 2025-04-28 09:00:00 2025-04-29 17:00:00 Europe/Madrid European Regulation of Climate Services: A Dialogue with Private Providers For details, click on the following event link: https://www.bsc.es/es/news/events/european-regulation-climate-services-dialogue-private-providers Auditori L'illa (Barcelona)
  • 22 Apr 2025

    Computational Seismology and Underwater Acoustics: the SPECFEM code

    Ubicación: Faculté des sciences et des techniques Nantes Université 2, LPG Building 4, Chem. de la Houssinière, 44322 Nantes, France.
    Registrarse 2025-04-22 09:00:00 2025-04-23 15:45:00 Europe/Madrid Computational Seismology and Underwater Acoustics: the SPECFEM code For details, click on the following event link: https://www.bsc.es/es/news/events/computational-seismology-and-underwater-acoustics-the-specfem-code Faculté des sciences et des techniques Nantes Université 2, LPG Building 4, Chem. de la Houssinière, 44322 Nantes, France.

    Organised by the ChEESE-2P / NuTS / SEASOUNDS projects, this course will focus more specifically on the SPECFEM code, which is based on a spectral-element method in the time domain. This code enables to model full-wave propagation for various applications in seismology and underwater acoustics. The aim is to provide basics and more advanced knowledge of how the 2D and 3D versions of SPECFEM work, as well as the potential of using HPC for SPECFEM simulations. Specifically, participants will learn about the basic steps for downloading and setting up the code, including the input parameters, for meshing domains of interest, using a computing center, etc. Shown examples, including show cases, and hands-on activities will illustrate the course.

  • 08 Apr 2025

    BSC Training Course: Pre-exascale System Administration: MareNostrum5 @ BSC

    Ubicación: [ONSITE] C6-E101, UPC Campus Nord, Barcelona 
    Registrarse 2025-04-08 09:00:00 2025-04-09 13:00:00 Europe/Madrid BSC Training Course: Pre-exascale System Administration: MareNostrum5 @ BSC For details, click on the following event link: https://www.bsc.es/es/education/training/bsc-training/bsc-training-course-pre-exascale-system-administration-marenostrum5-bsc-0 [ONSITE] C6-E101, UPC Campus Nord, Barcelona 
  • 01 Apr 2025

    Workshop: Gentle introduction to quantum chip design

    Ubicación: BSC Auditorium
    2025-04-01 14:00:00 2025-04-02 18:00:00 Europe/Madrid Workshop: Gentle introduction to quantum chip design For details, click on the following event link: https://www.bsc.es/es/news/events/workshop-gentle-introduction-quantum-chip-design BSC Auditorium
  • 24 Mar 2025

    BSC Training Course: Introduction to Big Data Analytics

    Ubicación: [ONSITE] Room 1-2-1, BSC Main Building
    Registrarse 2025-03-24 09:30:00 2025-03-27 15:30:00 Europe/Madrid BSC Training Course: Introduction to Big Data Analytics For details, click on the following event link: https://www.bsc.es/es/education/training/bsc-training/bsc-training-course-introduction-big-data-analytics-0 [ONSITE] Room 1-2-1, BSC Main Building
