The Social Impact Assessment is an important tool that scientists can use to communicate and transmit knowledge to society. However, how to measure it? What causes a scientific result to be ignored or adopted by society? How do society problems influence science?...
These are just some of the questions that the group explores.
The evaluation of the social impact of a project includes the process of data collection, analysis and representation. These data, coming from diverse sources, and their temporal evolution are difficult to collect and analyse, but they are the best knowledge available to perform the task.
Based on social projects, we develop a methodology to determine the social consequences of scientific projects, by analyzing large data sets to assess the consequences of the implementation of specific projects, monitoring their progress and assisting in the planning of new projects.
We combine data science and data visualization to improve our understanding of society and the impact that projects have on it.
• Develop a methodology to evaluate the social impact of scientific projects.
• Analyse social impact of certain projects
• Develop data representation/visualization tools to analyse the social impact of projects.