5th Iberian Grid Infrastructure Conference

Fecha: 08/Jun/2011 Time: 14:45


Palace of the Magdalena
Peninsula of the Magdalena
39005 Santander

Target group: The seminar was aimed at all the researchers, students, technicians and interested public in the available resources as well as in the outcome of the most excellent studies developed during the last years. Besides, priority was given to contributions describing ongoing R&D collaborative Grid projects between Portuguese, Spanish and Latin American institutions.

Primary tabs

1st Day of seminar
09.30h – Welcome and registration

Plenary session 1 (Isabel Campos)
10.00h – Welcome by the Santander City Major
10.10h – Welcome by the Spanish Ministry of Science & Innovation
10.20h – Welcome by Institute of Physics of Cantabria
10.30h – Lifewatch: e-science and technology infrastructure for biodiversity data and observatories (Benjamin Sánchez
11.15h – Microsoft Research and Venus-C in the Cloud Computing European landscape (Fabrizio Gagliardi)
12.00h – Break
12.30h – Ibergrid Infrastructure in the EGI environment (Álvaro Simón)
13.00h – Fostering multi-scientific usage in the Iberian production infrastructure (Gonçalo Borges)
13.30h – Break

Parallel session 1 – Management of Computing & Data Centers (Jorge Gomes)
15.00h – RedIRIS
15.15h – Galicia Supercomputing Center (CESGA)
15.30h – Extremadura Center of Advanced Technologies - Centre for Energy-Related, Environmental and Technological
               Research (CETA-CIEMAT)
15.45h – Institute of Physics of Cantabria (IFCA)

Parallel session 2 – Applications 1st Session (Jorge Salt)
15.00h – DISET protocol for DIRAC
15.20h – LHCb Grid resource usage in 2010 and beyond
15.40h – Aggregated monitoring and automatic site exclusion of the ATLAS computing activities: the ATLAS Site Status
16.00h – Break

Parallel session 3 – Management of Computing & Data Centers (Jorge Gomes)
16.30h – How to organize a technical forum on infrastructure management?

Parallel session 4 – Applications 2st Session (Ignacio Blanquer)
16.30h – Stellarator Optimization Using the Grid
16.50h – OptiWeb: An optimization application for steel cut industries ported to the Grid in the framework of PireGrid
17.10h – Exchanging Data for Breast Cancer Diagnosis on Heterogeneous Grid Platforms
17.30h – A Geographical Information System for wild fire management
17.50h – The CHAIN project
18.00h – End of the day

2nd Day of seminar
Plenary session 2 (Víctor Castelo)
09.30h – Deployment of RedIRIS-NOVA (Tomás de Miguel)
10.15h – GISELA (Bernard Marechal)
10.35h – First year of computing @ LHC: the CMS case (Francisco Matorras)
11.05h – Break

Plenary session 3 (Antonio Fuentes)
11.30h – Software provision process for EGI (Mario David)
12.15h – EMI Software Roadmap (Morris Riedel)
12.45h – Del HPC al Extreme Computing for unlimited innovation (Oscar de Bustos)
13.30h – Break

Parallel session 5 – Virtualization and its applications (Gonçalo Borges)
15.00h – Orchestrating Services on a Public and Private Cloud Federation
15.20h – COMPSs in the VENUS-C Platform: enabling e-Science applications on the Cloud
15.40h – Merging on-demand HPC resources from Amazon EC2 with the grid: a case study of a Xmipp application
16.00h – Break

Parallel session 6 – Applications 3rd Session (Francisco Castejón)
15.00h – Analysing Image Retrieval on Grids
15.20h – Extending a desktop endoscopic capsule video analysis tool used by doctors with advanced computing resources
15.40h – DataLight: data transfer and logging of large output applications in Grid environments
16.00h – Break

Parallel session 7 – Supercomputing for Lattice QCD (Sergi Girona)
15.00h – Performance tools (Xavier Abellán)
16.00h – Break

Parallel session 8 – Support to Grid Operations (Rubén Vallés)
16.30h – Vulnerability Assessment Enhancement for Middleware
16.50h – An Aspect-Oriented Approach to Fault-Tolerance in Grid Platforms
17.10h – EGI-InSPIRE Software Quality Criteria

Parallel session 9 – Software quality (Enol Fernández)
16.30h – An SLA-based Meta-Scheduling in Advance System to Provide QoS in Grid environments
16.50h – An Automated Cluster/Grid Task and Data Management System
17.10h – Web interface for generic grid jobs, Web4Grid

Parallel session 7 (continuation)  – Supercomputing for Lattice QCD (Sergi Girona)
16.30 – Feedback and discussion about the experience by the Lattice QCD RES users
16.00h – Break
18.00h – End of the day

3rd Day of seminar
Plenary session 4 (Carlos Fernández)
09.00h – DELL solutions for HPC or clusters in general, examples of current implementations in Spain (Félix Díaz Muino)
09.30h – Multicore application optimization (Sven Stork)
10.15h – Support to MPI applications on the Grid (Fernandez Enol)
11.00h – Break

Plenary session 5 (Jesús Marco de Lucas)
11.30h – PRACE (Sergi Girona)
12.00h – EGI: First year report (Isabel Campos)
12.30h – Round Table and Conclusions
13.30h – Break and farewell