7th RES Users'Conference & 2nd Annual HPC Advisory Council Spain Conference 2013

Fecha: 12/Sep/2013 Time: 09:00


Campus Diagonal Nord
A3 Building
Jordi Girona, 1-3
E-08034 Barcelona
Meeting Room Aula Master
(Map of the building location)

Target group: The conferences were aimed at all the RES users, potential users and as well students or scientifics interested in the topics o science and supercomputing services, besides companies involved in the High Performance Computing technology.

Cost: Attendance to the conferences was free of charge. Nevertheless registration was compulsory due to organization tasks.

Primary tabs

HPC Advisory Council Spain Conference 2013
09.00h - Gathering
09.30h - Opening session: HPC Advisory Council activities (Gilad Shainer, HPC Advisory Council)
09.40h - Opening session: The Spanish Supercomputing Network (Sergi Girona, Barcelona Supercomputing Center)
10.00h - Keynotes: Efficient and Cost-Effective HPC Interconnection Networks (Pedro Javier García, Universidad de Castilla-La
              Mancha and José Duato, Universitat Politècnica de València)
11.00h - Coffee break
11.15h - Virtual machine migration with SR-IOV over InfiniBand (Wei Lin Guay, Simula Research Laboratory)
12.00h - Sponsor presentation (Dell)
12.30h - Lunch
13.30h - Sponsor presentation (Boston)
14.00h - Dragonfly topology considerations for large scale HPC systems (Olaf Sem-Jacobsen, Simula Research Laboratory )
14.45h - rCUDA: a ready-to-use remote GPU virtualization framework (Federico Silla, Universitat Politècnica de València)
15.30h - Coffee Break
16.00h - HPC in Computational Biomechanics (Mariano Vazquez, BSC HPC Mechanics Group Manager)
16.30h - Closing session: The future of MPI (Richard Graham, MPI Forum Member of the Steering Committee)
17.00h - Adjourn and Prize Raffle

7th RES Users'Conference
10.45h – Welcome
Session 1: Resources and services offered by the RES and PRACE
(session chair: Montse González, BSC-CNS)
11.00h – Supercomputing Resources in BSC, RES and PRACE (Sergi Girona,
11.20h – RES Users Committee
11.40h – Pause/coffee
Session 2: The challenge of moving from Tier-1 to Tier-0          
(session chair: Carme Rovira, PCB)                 
12.00h – Linear-scaling ab initio study of surface defects in metal oxide and carbon
               nanostructures (Rubén Pérez, Universidad Autónoma de Madrid)
12.20h – Optimization of new algorithms in Octopus for methods to calculate the
               electrostatic potentials created by charge distributions (Joseba Alberdi
               Rodriguez, Euskal Herriko Unibertsitatea)
Session 3: Service to research for technological development               
(session chair: Carme Rovira, PCB)    
12.40h – A massively parallel solid mechanics solver in Alya (Eva Casoni,    
13.00h – Numerical simulations of massive separated flows: flow over a stalled
               NACA airfoil (Asensi Oliva & Ivette Rodriguez, Mass Transfer
               Technological Center (CTTC))
13.20h – Pause/lunch break
Session 4: Service to fundamental research
(session chair: Eduard Ayguadé, BSC-CNS)   
14.30h – Gaia: Simulation of Telemetry Stream (Jordi Torra, Universitat de Barcelona)
14.50h – Testing Au/TiC as a potential catalyst for CO2 hydrogenation (Francesc Illas, Universitat de Barcelona)
Session 5: Visualization as a tool for research            
(session chair: Eduard Ayguadé, BSC-CNS) 
15.10h – Scientific Visualization (Fernando Cucchietti, BSC-CNS)
15.30h – Conclusions and farewell