Artur Garcia Saez

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Today's tremendous interdisciplinary effort towards building a quantum computer promises to tackle problems beyond the reach of any classical computer. Although intermediate-scale quantum computers have been recently demonstrated to exceed the capability of the most powerful supercomputers, it is widely recognized that addressing any real-world problem will require upscaling...

The aim of the High Performance Computer and Quantum Simulator hybrid (HPCQS) is to prepare European research, industry and society for the use and federal operation of quantum computers and simulators. These are future computing technologies that are promising to overcome the most difficult computational challenges. HPCQS is developing the programming platform for the...

Les Tecnologies Quàntiques (QT, de l'anglès Quantum Technologies) fan ús de les excepcionals propietats de la Física Quàntica amb la finalitat de prestar capacitats sense precedents en l'actual Societat de la Informació. Les tecnologies de Computació Quàntica, Comunicació Quàntica, Simulació...