RDA-Europe spring school on weather, climate and air quality

Fecha: 25/May/2017 Time: 09:30 - 26/May/2017 Time: 17:00

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To get familiar with general RDA good practices on data management and manipulation in the field of Earth (weather, climate and air quality) sciences, and linking between scientific and industrial use of this kind of data. General lectures and hands-on sessions will be provided. The participants are expected to bring their own laptops. People interested should apply before March 17th. The industry and the public sector are encouraged to participate and send some of their young practitioners. 4-5 students or young engineers will be selected by the programme committee to have their expenses (travel+accommodation) covered.

To register please e-mail francesco.benincasa@bsc.es or pierre-antoine.bretonniere@bsc.es

Further information about the school can be found at the RDA web site.


Basic linux-unix (INTERMEDIATE level)

Weather/Climate/Air Quality data and tools (nco, cdo, netcdf, …) (INTERMEDIATE level)

By INTERMEDIATE, we mean here “for trainees with some theoretical and practical knowledge”

Further information

Programme committee: Francisco Doblas-Reyes, Fabrizio Gagliardi, Peter Wittenburg

Local committee: Francesco Benincasa, Pierre-Antoine Bretonnière, Francisco Doblas-Reyes, Fabrizio Gagliardi