Ulises Cortes

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Europe is implementing an AI strategy that seeks to create a research environment characterised by scientific excellence andconsistent with the fundamental ethical values of its citizens. Part of this strategy foresees the consolidation of ongoing research activities through the creation and maintenance of an AI on-demand Platform that will act as a community resource for the...

Keeping in mind the potential opportunities, risks and limitations offered by Artificial Intelligence (AI), AI4CCAM will develop an open environment for integrating trustworthy-by-design AI models of vulnerable road user behaviour anticipation in urban traffic conditions to ensure improved road safety and user acceptance.

Leveraging the Trustworthy AI...

Europe is implementing an AI strategy that seeks to create a research environment characterised by scientific excellence and that is consistent with the fundamental ethical values of its citizens. Part of this strategy foresees the consolidation of ongoing research activities through the creation and maintenance of an AI on-demand Platform that will act as a community...

En la actualidad, gran parte de las enfermedades para los que no existe tratamiento o solución vienen derivadas del envejecimiento. Uno de los principales problemas para tratarlas se encuentra en la dificultad de detectarlas en estados tempranos de su desarrollo, lo cual requiere de un seguimiento demasiado monitorizado de cada ser humano. Es por ello, que se hace...
