Andres Felipe Castro Torres

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I am a computational social scientist, sociologist, and demographer at the Computational Social Science and Humanities Programme of the Barcelona Supercomputing Center (CSSH-BSC). I graduated from the University of Pennsylvania in 2019 and have since worked at several European research centers, including the French National Institute for Demographic Research (INED), the Max Planck Institute for Demographic Research in Rostock, and the Center for Demographic Studies in Barcelona. My research focuses on global inequalities in knowledge production, bibliometric analysis and research assessment, and population studies, with a particular emphasis on fertility and family dynamics in the global South and among immigrant populations.


  • Ph.D. in Demography & Sociology, University of Pennsylvania, Philadelphia, United States, March 2019. Dissertation: “Half a Century of Migration and Family Formation in Latin America and the Caribbean.” Advisor: Prof. Herbert Smith.
  • Master of Arts – Demography, University of Pennsylvania, United States. 2016
  • Master of Science – Statistics, Universidad Nacional de Colombia, Bogotá. 2012
  • Bachelor of Arts – Sociology, Universidad Nacional de Colombia, Bogotá. 2012.
  • Bachelor of Industrial Engineering, Universidad Nacional de Colombia, Bogotá 2010.


  • Castro Torres, A. F. (2024). “Revisiting North-South Disparities in Naming Practices: An Extension and Update”. Social Currents,
  • Akbaritabar, A.,  Castro Torres, A. F., and  Larivière V. (2024). A Global Perspective on the Social Structure of Science. Humanities and Social Sciences Communications, 11, 914.
  • Castro Torres, A.F., and Aliakbar Akbaritabar. (2024). “The Use of Linear Models in Quantitative Research.” Quantitative Science Studies, March, 1–21.
  • Telles, Edward, Albert Esteve, & Castro Torres, A. F. (2023). “Black–White Intermarriage in Global Perspective.” Demographic Research 49 (November): 737–68.
  • Robles, A., Castro Torres, A. F., & Casique, I. (2023). Los 15 años de la Revista Latinoamericana de Población desde una perspectiva bibliométrica. Revista Latinoamericana de Población, 17, e202326.
  • Shukla, S., Castro Torres, A. F., Satish, R. V., Shenderovich, Y., Abejirinde, I.-O. O., & Steinert, J. I. (2023). Factors associated with adolescent pregnancy in Maharashtra, India: A mixed-methods study. Sexual and Reproductive Health Matters, 31(1), 2249284.
  • Castro Torres, A. F., and Edith Y. Gutierrez-Vazquez. (2023). “Power Relations and Persistent Low Fertility among Domestic Workers in Latin America.” The Sociological Review, August.
  • Liu, Chia, Castro Torres, A. F., and Ewa Batyra. (2023). “A Gender Story of Institutional Disengagement of Young Adults in Latin America.” Sociology Compass, August.
  • Lee, D. S., Batyra, E.,  Castro Torres, A.F., & Wilde, J. (2023). Human fertility after a disaster: A systematic literature review. Proceedings of the Royal Society B: Biological Sciences, 290(1998), 20230211.
  • Castro Torres, A. F. (2023).The Neglected Role of Domestic Migration on Family Patterns in Latin America and the Caribbean, 1950–2000.” Studies in Family Planning.
  • Batyra, Ewa, Luca Maria Pesando, Castro Torres, A.F., Hans‐Peter Kohler, and Frank Furstenberg. (2022). “Union formation, within-couple dynamics, and child well-being: A global macro level perspective.” Population, Space and Place.
  • Castro Torres, A. F., and Diego Alburez-Gutierrez. (2022). “North and South: Naming Practices and the Hidden Dimension of Global Disparities in Knowledge Production.” Proceedings of the National Academy of Sciences 119 (10): e2119373119.
  • Abufhele, Alejandra, Luca Maria Pesando, and A. F. Castro T. (2022). “Parental Educational Similarity and Inequality Implications for Infant Health in Chile: Evidence from Administrative Records, 1990–2015.” Research in Social Stratification and Mobility 82 (December): 100736.
  • Garcia Arias, Jenny Alejandra, and A. F. Castro Torres. (2022). “A Binational Analysis of Infant Mortality among Crisis-Driven Diasporas and Those Who Remain” BMJ Global Health 7 (8): e009523.
  • Esteve, Albert, Teresa Castro-Martín, and A. F. Castro Torres. (2022). “Families in Latin America: Trends, Singularities, and Contextual Factors.” Annual Review of Sociology 48 (1): 485–505.
  • Castro Torres, A. F. (2022). “Family Formation Trajectories and Migration in the United States by the End of the 20th Century.” Current Sociology, May, 001139212210971.
  • Castro Torres, A. F., and Edith Y. Gutierrez-Vazquez. (2022). “Gendered and Stratified Family Formation Trajectories in the Context of Latin American Migration, 1950 to 2000.” International Migration Review, January.
  • Castro Torres, A. F., Ewa Batyra, and Mikko Myrskylä. (2022). “Income Inequality and Increasing Dispersion of the Transition to First Birth in the Global South.” Population and Development Review 48 (1): 189–215.
  • Castro Torres, A. F, Luca Maria Pesando, Hans‐Peter Kohler, and Frank Furstenberg. (2022). “Family Change and Variation through the Lens of Family Configurations in Low‐ and Middle‐income Countries.” Population, Space and Place 28 (4).
  • Castro Torres, A. F., and Emilio Alberto Parrado. (2022). “Nativity Differentials in First Births in the United States: Patterns by Race and Ethnicity.” Demographic Research 46 (January): 37–64.
  • Castro Torres, A. F. (2021). “Analysis of Latin American Fertility in Terms of Probable Social Classes.” European Journal of Population 37 (2): 297–339.
  • Castro Torres, A. F, and B. Piedad Urdinola. (2019). “Armed Conflict and Fertility in Colombia, 2000–2010.” Population Research and Policy Review 38 (2): 173–213.
  • Pesando, Luca Maria and GFC-team. (2019). “Global Family Change: Persistent Diversity with Development.” Population and Development Review 45 (1): 133–68.
  • Lebaron, Frédéric, and A. F. Castro Torres. (2018). “Some Contributions from Geometry to Linear Models’ Construction in Social Sciences.” Bulletin of Sociological Methodology/Bulletin de Méthodologie Sociologique 140 (1): 90–109.