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es/news/bsc-news/the-bsc-cns-develops-experimental...Fecha: 29/09/2006More information: <a href=http://www.bsc.es/projects/earthscience/aqforecast-en/>http://www.bsc.es/projects/earthscience/aqforecast-en/</a>
BSC in the Media. Source: ColpisaFecha: 29/09/2006
BSC in the Media. Source: EL PAISFecha: 29/09/2006
BSC in the Media. Source: ABCFecha: 29/09/2006
BSC in the Media. Source: Diario de LeonFecha: 29/09/2006
BSC in the Media. Source: LaVozDigital.esFecha: 29/09/2006
BSC in the Media. Source: AVUIFecha: 29/09/2006
es/news/bsc-news/mateo-valero-recibe-el-premio-nac...Fecha: 28/09/2006El jurado ha apreciado el liderazgo internacional del Prof. Valero por sus trabajos en la ingeniería de la arquitectura de los ordenadores a través de aportaciones fundamentales en el campo de los computadores vectoriales, sirviendo de base al procesador vectorial para supercomputación SX1, actua...
es/news/bsc-news/parmbsc0-new-force-field-molecula...Fecha: 15/09/2006The Life Science Program (MMB-group) distributed the parmBSC0 force-field for simulation of nucleic acids. The force-field, an evolution of AMBER-parm99 was derived from high level QM data and was tested on near 1 µsec of MD simulations. We found a high performance in this force-field, which was ab...
BSC in the Media. Source: EXPANSION.COMFecha: 07/09/2006