Authors: Jokanovic, Ana / Sancho, Jose Carlos / Labarta, Jesús / Rodriguez, / Minkenberg,
Publication: High Performance Computing and Communication 2012 IEEE 9th International Conference on Embedded Software and Systems (HPCC-ICESS), 2012 IEEE 14th International Conference on
Place Published: Liverpool,United Kingdom
Pagination: 598-607
Palabras clave: Bandwidth, bandwidth distribution, bandwidth-sensitive applications, capacity high-performance computing systems, Channel allocation, contention-sensitive applications, HPC clusters, InfiniBand interconnect, InfiniBand network, Inter-application contention, interapplication contention, Internet, latency-sensitive applications, Measurement, multiprocessor interconnection networks, Network contention, network resources, network utilization metric, parallel processing, pattern classification, pattern clustering, QoS mechanisms, quality of service, Quality-of-Service, quality-of-service mechanisms, quality-of-service policy, slimmed fat-tree networks, system performance, Throughput, virtual lanes