
Showing 581 - 590 results of 622

PRACE 2IP supported the accelerated implementation of the pan-European HPC Research Infrastructure created in April 2010 as the result of the preparatory phase PRACE project. It complemented and extended the work of the PRACE 1IP project that started in July 2010.

PRACE 2IP addressed the computational and simulation needs of European scientific...

The main goal of EUBrazilOpenBio was to deploy an e-Infrastructure of open access resources (data, tools, services), to make significant strides towards supporting the needs and requirements of the biodiversity scientific community. This data e-Infrastructure resulted from the federation and integration of substantial individual existing data, cloud, and grid EU and Brazilian...

Climate change is heavily governed by atmospheric processes, in particular the interaction between radiation and atmospheric components (e.g., aerosols, clouds, greenhouse and trace gases). Some of these components also provoke adverse health effects that influence air quality. The EU's IPCC Fourth Assessment Report and Thematic Strategy on air pollution clearly asserts the...

To maximise the scientific output of a high-performance computing system, different stakeholders pursue different strategies. While individual application developers are trying to shorten the time to solution by optimising their codes, system administrators are tuning the configuration of the overall system to increase its throughput. Yet, the complexity of today’s...

Un dels grans reptes de la indústria farmacèutica és la medicina personalitzada. Difícilment una sola molècula esdevindrà un tractament farmacològic amb èxit per a tota la població mundial donada la gran variabilitat genètica natural en la població. Actualment l’elevat índex de...

The recycling of end-of-life concrete into new concrete is one of the most interesting options for reducing worlwide natural resources use and emissions associated with the building materials sector. The production of the cement used in concrete, for example, is responsible for at least 5% of worldwide CO2 emissions.

On-site reuse of clean silica...

Life Science developed into one of the largest e-Infrastructure users in Europe, in part due to the ever-growing amount of biological data. At the time of the project, modern drug design typically included both sequence bioinformatics, in silico virtual screening, and free energy calculations, e.g. of drug binding. This development has accelerated tremendously, and has put...

Large scale simulations are the third pillar of science today alongside theory and experiment. They produce scientific insights, technological advances, and solve problems in many fields of society. Their tools are high-end computers and effective software. PRACE, the Partnership for Advanced Computing, has been created as a not for profit...

Several research communities in Europe exploit e-Infrastructures, sharing data and computing resources with Grid and Supercomputing technology. However the inherent complexity of these technologies has limited their wider adoption and their long term sustainability: designing, developing and operating a computing infrastructure for an e-Science community remains challenging...

With top systems reaching the PFlop barrier, the next challenge is to understand how applications have to be implemented and be prepared for the ExaFlop target. Multicore chips are already here but will grow in the next decade to several hundreds of cores. Hundreds of thousands of nodes based on them will constitute the future exascale systems.

