
Showing 31 - 40 results of 601

The COVID pandemic can be seen as an experiment done with the entirety of humankind (as almost everybody has been or will get infected with SARS-CoV-2). It will therefore have the best coverage over the widest variation possible and is therefore ideally suited to study the effects of infections with SARS-CoV-2 on large quantities of heterogeneous individuals. In our project,...

The world has entered the era of ubiquitous High Performance Computing (HPC), where massive data sets and their associated computation impact all facets of modern life. However, while new software frameworks enable very high programmer productivity, ironically, all of the rich semantics from the algorithms are stripped away when applications run on the hardware, forcing...

Integrated digital diagnostics can support complex surgeries in many anatomies where brain tumour surgery is one of the most complex cases. Neurosurgeons face several challenges during brain tumour surgeries, such as critical tissue and brain tumour margins differentiation or the interpretation of large amount of data available provided by several independent devices. To...

The CarrerasPathfinder program is new a world-wide unique doctoral program that covers the entire spectrum of research and innovation in blood cancers from understanding disease biology to the implementation of novel processes in the clinical practice. The program will fund 14 excellent Doctoral Candidates (DCs) for a period of 48 months. DCs will perform collaborative PhD...

Natural hazards, such as extreme weather events, are exacerbated by climate change. As a result, emergency responses are becoming more protracted, expensive, frequent, and stretching limited available resources. This is especially apparent in rapidly warming regions. MedEWSa addresses these challenges by providing novel solutions to ensure timely, precise, and actionable...

H2AERO is focused on the development and assessment of advanced scale-resolving simulation methodologies for the prediction of relevant phenomena in terms of flame dynamics, thermoacoustics and nitrogen oxides (NOx), for industrially relevant hydrogen injectors of aeronautical combustion chambers.

H2AERO proposes a multidisciplinary approach including...

Comprender las consecuencias de la variación en la expresión génica es fundamental para descifrar la biología y las enfermedades humanas. Los análisis a gran escala de la expresión génica han revolucionado nuestra comprensión de una miríada de procesos biológicos, permitiéndonos conectar cambios...

Los datos ómicos, heterogéneos, interconectados, a nivel de sistemas, están cada vez más disponibles y se aplican en la medicina de precisión. Buscamos estratificar mejor a los pacientes en grupos de riesgo, descubrir nuevos biomarcadores para enfermedades, personalizar tratamientos médicos y reutilizar medicamentos conocidos para...

El proyecto EPYSIM tiene como objetivo fundamental mejorar el conocimiento de la corteza superior bajo el NE de Iberia al integrar la caracterización de la Zona Volcánica de la Garrotxa, el área sismogenética alrededor de La Selva y la estructura litosférica 3D y las propiedades térmicas a gran escala de la transición entre los...

El proyecto DeNaPol aprovecha una nueva clase de enzimas con múltiples sitios reactivos, las pluriZimas, y las rediseñará para la degradación eficiente de micropartículas y nanopartículas plásticas y textiles. Se enfrenta así a un problema social muy importante, ayudando en el tratamiento de eliminación de...
