
Showing 201 - 210 results of 627

Prof. Dr. Natasa Przulj has made outstanding contributions to the field of network science. She is the inventor of graphlets, a methodology now utilized in many algorithms. She initiated extraction of biomedical knowledge from the wiring patterns (topology) of complex and large molecular (omic) networks. Her recent work includes designing machine learning methods, mostly...

The Transcriptomics and Functional Genomics Lab, led by Marta Melé, is interested in understanding how the information encoded in our genome determines gene expression and splicing variation across individuals and tissues. To address this, we use a combination of cutting-edge computational analyses, next generation sequencing, and high-throughput functional...

The BSC's Health Language Technology group generates AI and deep-learning based natural language processing resources, including components, annotated data/protocols. It also defines evaluation scenarios to assess and monitor the quality of implementations by the global research community through high impact open data benchmark shared tasks (BioCreative/IberLEF/CLEF). Our...

El projecte té com a objectiu assegurar l èxit de l execució del model regional de qualitat de l'aire. CALIOPE, en alta resolució (1 km) per la regió de Catalunya de forma a oferir el pronòstic a 24h i 48h de manera rutinària.

L'abast del projecte inclou: Manteniment rutinari de tota la cadena de...

There is a need to increase the capabilities of current Computational Fluid Dynamics tools for engineering design by re-engineering them for extreme-scale parallel computing platforms. The backbone of the Large-scale Computational Fluid Dynamics (LS/CFD) team is centered on the fact that, today, the capabilities of leading-edge emerging HPC architectures are not fully...

The SSAS team has been actively working on the design, development, and analysis of embedded critical computing systems (ECCS) normally found in cars, planes, trains, satellites and medical devices. The essential concern in ECCS is that guarantees must be provided on their correctness in both the functional and temporal behavior. The former warrants that the software behaves as expected from...

The PPHA group focuses on the research of SW and HW solutions for the development, deployment and efficient execution of parallel and heterogeneous computing systems required to process huge amounts of data across the compute continuum, addressing edge, cloud and HPC. The group addresses the complete system stack: (1) HW solutions, by researching on highly parallel and energy...

The research group aims at performing research on hierarchical task-based parallel programming models to better exploit the current heterogeneous structure of High Performance Computing (HPC) systems and of large distributed computing systems. The approach considers an integrative approach of the programming model with a unified storage platform that will aggregate the...

The main research line of ACAP group is in High Performance Computer Architecture, starting from hardware and streching into software. Recently, our principal activity is related to the European Processor Initiative, with the aim to design and manufacture a European HPC processor fully designed in Europe.

Our group is developing the vector processor...

L'HPAI treballa en la intersecció de la intel·ligència artificial (IA) i la computació d'alt rendiment (HPC). El grup es centra tant en l'ús d'eines HPC per empoderar la IA, com en l'ús de la IA per millorar els processos HPC. L'HPAI ha acumulat experiència en l'anàlisi de imatge mèdica, i compta amb varis...
