
Mostrando 431 - 440 de 1585
  • 16 Apr 2021

    [ONLINE] PATC: Introduction to OpenACC

    Ubicación: The course format will be online via Zoom.
    Registrarse 2021-04-16 09:00:00 2021-04-16 17:00:00 Europe/Madrid [ONLINE] PATC: Introduction to OpenACC For details, click on the following event link: https://www.bsc.es/es/education/training/patc-courses/online-patc-introduction-openacc The course format will be online via Zoom.
  • 12 Apr 2021

    [ONLINE] PATC: Introduction to CUDA Programming

    Ubicación: The course format will be online via Zoom.
    Registrarse 2021-04-12 09:00:00 2021-04-15 18:00:00 Europe/Madrid [ONLINE] PATC: Introduction to CUDA Programming For details, click on the following event link: https://www.bsc.es/es/education/training/patc-courses/online-patc-introduction-cuda-programming The course format will be online via Zoom.
  • 24 Mar 2021

    Virtual BSC RS/AI4ES Seminar: "Causal Inference and Causal Discovery in Climate Science"

    Ubicación: Virtual seminar via Zoom, with required registration
    Registrarse 2021-03-24 16:00:00 2021-03-24 16:00:00 Europe/Madrid Virtual BSC RS/AI4ES Seminar: "Causal Inference and Causal Discovery in Climate Science" For details, click on the following event link: https://www.bsc.es/es/research-and-development/research-seminars/virtual-bsc-rsai4es-seminar-causal-inference-and-causal-discovery-climate-science Virtual seminar via Zoom, with required registration
  • 24 Mar 2021

    [ONLINE] PATC Systems Workshop: Petaflop System Administration; Marenostrum 4 @ BSC

    Ubicación: Online via Zoom. Registration is mandatory
    Registrarse 2021-03-24 09:00:00 2021-03-25 12:30:00 Europe/Madrid [ONLINE] PATC Systems Workshop: Petaflop System Administration; Marenostrum 4 @ BSC For details, click on the following event link: https://www.bsc.es/es/education/training/patc-courses/online-patc-systems-workshop-petaflop-system-administration-marenostrum-4-bsc Online via Zoom. Registration is mandatory
  • Registrarse 2021-03-24 09:00:00 2021-03-25 17:00:00 Europe/Madrid Servicio de cambio climático de Copernicus: Retos y soluciones en España For details, click on the following event link: https://www.bsc.es/es/news/events/servicio-de-cambio-clim%C3%A1tico-de-copernicus-retos-y-soluciones-en-espa%C3%B1a Virtual

    Un evento virtual gratuito dirigido a responsables y gestores del sector público y privado en el que se abordarán desafíos y soluciones en el uso de datos, con especial atención a los sectores del agua y la energía así como a los extremos climáticos en España.

  • 23 Mar 2021
    Registrarse 2021-03-23 15:00:00 2021-03-23 15:00:00 Europe/Madrid Virtual BSC RS: "Users of Big Earth Data - An analysis of current and future user requirements of (cloud-based) data systems" For details, click on the following event link: https://www.bsc.es/es/research-and-development/research-seminars/virtual-bsc-rs-users-big-earth-data-analysis-current-and-future-user-requirements-cloud-based-data Virtual seminar via Zoom, with required registration
  • 17 Mar 2021
    Registrarse 2021-03-17 09:00:00 2021-03-18 18:00:00 Europe/Madrid [ONLINE] PATC: Introduction to Simulation Environments for Life Sciences For details, click on the following event link: https://www.bsc.es/es/education/training/patc-courses/online-patc-introduction-simulation-environments-life-sciences Online via Zoom  
  • 08 Mar 2021

    [ONLINE] PATC: Heterogeneous Programming on GPUs with MPI & OmpSs

    Ubicación: The course will be online via Zoom.
    Registrarse 2021-03-08 15:00:00 2021-03-12 18:30:00 Europe/Madrid [ONLINE] PATC: Heterogeneous Programming on GPUs with MPI & OmpSs For details, click on the following event link: https://www.bsc.es/es/education/training/patc-courses/online-patc-heterogeneous-programming-gpus-mpi-ompss The course will be online via Zoom.
  • 04 Mar 2021

    Virtual BSC RS/Life Sessions: "Non-equilibrium molecular assembly: from NON-LIVING to LIVING and back"

    Ubicación: Virtual seminar via Zoom, with required registration
    Registrarse 2021-03-04 15:00:00 2021-03-04 15:00:00 Europe/Madrid Virtual BSC RS/Life Sessions: "Non-equilibrium molecular assembly: from NON-LIVING to LIVING and back" For details, click on the following event link: https://www.bsc.es/es/research-and-development/research-seminars/virtual-bsc-rslife-sessions-non-equilibrium-molecular-assembly-non-living-living-and-back Virtual seminar via Zoom, with required registration
  • 04 Mar 2021
    Registrarse 2021-03-04 12:15:00 2021-03-04 12:15:00 Europe/Madrid Virtual BSC RS/Life Sessions: "They are fake, but not (just) news. Understanding the multiple forms of disinformation" For details, click on the following event link: https://www.bsc.es/es/research-and-development/research-seminars/virtual-bsc-rslife-sessions-they-are-fake-not-just-news-understanding-the-multiple-forms Virtual seminar via Zoom, with required registration
