Computational Earth Sciences
Computational Earth Services
This research line is focused on providing High Performance Computing expertise for the performance, deployment and usage of Earth System Models. A wide range of services are offered get the best performance posible and overcome computational challenges
Data and Diagnostics Team
The team is in charge of all aspects of data management within the Earth Sciences Department: from software development (visualization, computation of statistics, data formatting, physical diagnostics) to exploration of new technologies for Earth Sciences
Models and Workflows Team
The motivation for the models and workflows area lies in the research and development of methodologies and tools that are useful to take advantage of the variety of computing resources available at the BSC and in other HPC institutions.
Performance Team
In a context in which scientific models are required to run in parallel, reaching ever higher resolutions, and thus demanding more and more resources, it is crucial to identify and understand their bottlenecks, to increase their performance and reduce the time-to-solution, reducing also the associated costs.