BSC-CNS Newsletter May 2019

Barcelona Supercomputing Center - Newsletter

BSC, candidate to host one of the two largest supercomputers of the EU for 2021

BSC’s candidacy counts on the economic commitment of its trustees, the Portuguese government, Turkey and Croatia and Ireland has expressed its support for the candidacy. This initiative is being carried out by the EuroHPC-JU, the body created by the EC and the participating countries to manage the roadmap. It is expected to announce its decision regarding the entities selected to host the pre-exascale supercomputers on June 7th.

More reliable estimates of the role of humans in extreme climate events

The role of humans in extreme climate events may not be what was believed so far. Researchers of BSC have pointed out that the climate model ensembles commonly used for event attribution show systematic inconsistencies with the real-world climate. Our researchers have developed a correction method that ensures the probability of climate extremes in the model simulations to be consistent with real-world observations.

Marine heatwaves threaten global biodiversity

BSC participates in a paper, published in Nature Climate Change, which is the first to quantify and contrast the magnitude and impacts of several prominent marine heatwaves using the same methods and metrics. In doing so, the researchers show that marine heatwaves have negative effects on a broad range of marine organisms, with major socioeconomic and political ramifications.

Characterisation of the structure and function of a member of the L-Amino acid Transporter family

Mutations in L-amino acid transporters (LATs) can lead to a wide range of conditions, such as autism, hearing loss and aminoacidurias. This study, published in the journal Nature Communications presents key data on how amino acids bind to these transporters. The work is a collaboration between IRB Barcelona, CIBERER, IBMB-CSIC and BSC.

BSC to help deploy HPC and big data for smarter agriculture in the CYBELE project

CYBELE will focus on the emerging field of precision agriculture, specifically precision livestock farming. The project aims to demonstrate how the convergence of HPC, big data, cloud computing and the internet of things (IoT) can revolutionize farming, reduce scarcity and increase food supplies, resulting in social, economic and environmental benefits.

Mateo Valero receives the CénitS Award for Research Excellence

The director of BSC received the prize Research Excellence of CénitS (Extremadura Center for Research, Technological Innovation and Supercomputing). The awards ceremony took place in the framework of the commemorative act of the 10th Anniversary of the creation of CénitS by the Computaex Foundation. CénitS manages the Lusitania supercomputer, one of the nodes of the RES, which is coordinated by BSC.

Catalan engineers recognize Sergi Girona with the Alan Turing award to the CIO of the year

The Operations Director of BSC, Sergi Girona, was recognized with the Alan Turing award to the CIO of the year during the 24th Night of Telecommunications and Information Technology. The event is jointly organized by and COEINF. This award recognizes the CIO who has stood out for his professional work at state level during 2018.

Coming up
07 MAY 2019 6th BSC SO Doctoral Symposium Location: UPC Campus Nord (Barcelona)
09 MAY 2019 SORS: The Many Colors of Chameleon: Building a Reconfigurable Testbed for Systems Research Location: Sala d'actes de la FiB, UPC Campus Nord (Barcelona)
14 MAY 2019 SORS: Efficient dynamic graph algorithms on GPU graph frameworks Location: Sala d'actes de la FiB, UPC Campus Nord (Barcelona)
20 MAY 2019 PATC: Performance Analysis and Tools Location: VERTEX building. Room VS208, UPC Campus Nord (Barcelona)
22 MAY 2019 PATC: Heterogeneous Programming on GPUs with MPI & OmpSs Location: VERTEX building. Room VS208, UPC Campus Nord (Barcelona)
24 MAY 2019 PATC Course: Heterogeneous Programming on FPGAs with OmpSs@FPGA Location: VERTEX building. Room VS208, UPC Campus Nord (Barcelona)
25 JUN 2019 PUMPS + AI Summer School 2019 Location: UPC Campus Nord (Barcelona)
17 JUL 2019 ACM Europe Summer School 2019 Location: UPC Campus Nord (Barcelona)
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