RES Scientific Seminars 2014: Engineering

Fecha: 15/Oct/2014 Time: 08:00


Meeting room: Sala Multimedia
Building: B3
Campus Nord
Jordi Girona, 31
08034 Barcelona


Target group: The seminar is aimed at all the RES users, researchers and students. It will be conducted in English.

Primary tabs

09.00h – Registration

Session 1/09h – 09.30h: Opening and the available supercomputing resources
09.30h – Welcome & Introduction
              (Montse González, RES technical and training coordinator)
09.40h – Supercomputing resources in BSC-CNS, RES & PRACE
              (Montse González, RES technical and training coordinator)
Session 2/09.30h – 10.30h: Materials
10.00h – Role of impurities and vacancies on the electronic and transport properties of magnetic semiconductors
             (Víctor Manuel García Suárez, Universidad de Oviedo)
10.30h – Phase field modeling of biomembrane dynamics and crack propagation
             (Marino Arroyo Balaguer, Universitat Politècnica de Catalunya)
11.00h – Coffee break
Session 3/11.30h – 12.30h: Eigensolvers and Electron systems
11.30h – Eigensolvers for symmetric generalized eigenproblems in SLEPc
             (José E.Román, Universidad Politécnica de Valencia)
12.00h – Simulation of the negative electron compressibility in LaAlO3/SrTiO3 interfaces
             (Javier Junquera, Universidad de Cantabria) Cancelled
Session 4/12.30h – 13.00h: Fusion Energy and Flow Dynamics
12.30h – Improving the scalability of balancing substructuring domain decomposition methods for computational fusion
             (Santiago Badia, Universitat Politècnica de Catalunya & Centre Internacional de Mètodes Numèrics en Enginyeria)
13.00h – Mixing features of swirling flows in combustors
             (Teresa Parra, Universidad de Valladolid)

13.30h – Group Photo and Lunch break
Session 5/14.30h – 15.30h: Turbulence
14.30h – Dynamics of turbulent transport in tokamaks and stellarators
             (Raúl Sanchez, Universidad Carlos III de Madrid)
15.00h – Vortex dynamics and coherent structures in swirling flows,
             (Oriol Lehmkuhl, Universitat Politècnica de Catalunya)
15.30h – Coffee break
Session 6/15.45h – 16.45h: Computing
15.45h – First-principles study of multifunctional perovskite Systems
             (Massimiliano Stengel, ICMAB (CSIC))
16.15h – HPC-based simulations for the industrial world
             (Mariano Vázquez, Research Team Leader - CASE Department, BSC)

17.00h – Farewell and adjourn