PRACE Training Week

Fecha: 06/Sep/2010


The seminar would take place in Bacelona, within the UPC Campus Nord premises.

Target group: BCOs, support staff at the supercomputing centers and researches involved in WP6-9.

Cost: There is no registration fee to the training week. The attendees would need to cover the expenses for travel, accomodation and dinners except one night that we would like to organize a social dinner.

Primary tabs

The seminar will take 6 half-day sessions from September 6th to September 9th 2010 with the following agenda:

  • Monday afternoon: Presentation on the tools and the type of analyses they enable as well as hands on session familiarizing with the navigation on the paraver GUI using traces from a couple of PRACE benchmark codes provided.
  • Tuesday morning: Instrumentation of the specific application of choice (small problem/machine size) by eachattendee and first analyses.
  • Tuesday afternoon:   Use of clustering techiques (clustering) and further analyses.
  • Wednesday morning:   Focus on scalability issues (large problem/machines sizes): How to filter and manipulate large traces; how to obtain traces with summarized data and analyses they support.
  • Wednesday afternoon: Hands on Dimemas analyses and predictions.
  • Thursday morning: Use of the combined sampling and tracing capabilities for extremely detailed analysis.