BSC researchers awarded SC13 Best Student Paper

22 Noviembre 2013

The paper shows that mobile processors, used in smartphones and tablets, have promising qualities to replace current technologies, and become mainstream in HPC in the near future.

The Heterogeneous Architectures team of the Computer Sciences Department of the Barcelona Supercomputing Center (BSC) has been awarded the SC13 best student paper, announced in the awards ceremony from the International Conference for High Performance Computing, Networking, Storage and Analysis (SC13), held in Denver from 17-22nd November.

Each year, the SC technical papers committee identifies one paper as the best technical article written primarily by a student and presented in the conference's technical program. Papers must be identified as student papers when submitted to be eligible for this award.

On Tuesday, Nikola Rajovic, PhD student from the Heterogeneous Architectures team of the BSC Computer Sciences Department presented the scientific paper titled Supercomputing with Commodity CPUs: Are Mobile SoCs Ready for HPC?

The paper shows that mobile processors, used in smartphones and tablets, have promising qualities to replace current technologies, and become mainstream in High Performance Computing in the near future. Provided they implement a reduced set of extra features not needed by mobile devices, they could lead to faster, cheaper, and more energy-efficient supercomputers.

The awarded paper is a research result of the European funded Mont-Blanc project, coordinated by BSC, who’s aim is to design a new type of computer architecture capable of setting future global HPC standards, built from today’s energy efficient solutions used in embedded and mobile devices.

This award values the impressive dedication and effort of the BSC Computer Sciences researchers, as well as confirms the European research quality in leading research projects that can influence the future of the HPC market.

About the Mont-Blanc project

The Mont-Blanc project, partially funded by the European Commission’s Seventh Framework Programme (FP7/2007-2013 under grant agreement n° 288777 and 610402) with over 16 million Euros until October 2016, brings together leading European technology companies such as Bull, ARM, ST Microelectronics and Allinea; some of the most important supercomputing centers in Europe: JSC, LRZ, and HLRS (Germany), GENCI (France), CINECA (Italy) and BSC (Spain); and leading academic partners like CEA, CNRS, Inria, the University of Bristol and University of Stuttgart. More information on page

About the Barcelona Supercomputing Center

Barcelona Supercomputing Center ‐ Centro Nacional de Supercomputación (BSC) hosts the supercomputer MareNostrum. It also has well‐known supercomputing research groups that develop tools for academia and industry. BSC focuses its research areas in Computer Sciences, Life and Earth Sciences and Computer Applications in Science and Engineering. In the context of this multi‐disciplinary approach, BSC has more than 350 researchers and experts in HPC (High Performing Computing) and 100 of those are from outside Spain. BSC was constituted as a public consortium formed by the current Spanish Ministry of Economy and Competitivity (Ministerio de Economía y Competitividad), the Department of Economy and Knowledge of the Catalan Government and the Technical University of Catalonia. Barcelona Tech (UPC), and is headed by Professor Mateo Valero. In 2011, the BSC‐CNS was recognized as a “Severo Ochoa Centre of Excellence” for its contributions and research agenda in the area of computing and applications. In the first edition of the Severo Ochoa programme, the Ministry of Science and Innovation selected 8 research centres and units in Spain to be among the best in the world in their respective fields. More information:

Press contacts

Barcelona Supercomputing Center

Renata Giménez-Binder

Tel: (+34) 93 4015864