The EC approves a project to simulate the human brain with the participation of the BSC-CNS

28 Enero 2013

Molecular calculations will be carried out at the MareNostrum and researchers from the centre will collaborate to develop programming models.

Molecular calculations will be carried out at the MareNostrum and researchers from the centre will collaborate to develop programming models
Human Brain Project is one of the two flagship projects with special funding from the European Union

The European Commission (EC) has given the go-ahead for the Human Brain Project (HBP) (link to, the project to simulate the human brain, with the participation of the Barcelona Supercomputing Center – Centro Nacional de Supercomputación (BSC-CNS) (link to The Human Brain Project thus becomes one of the European flagship projects, receiving major financing from the EC.

The goal of the Human Brain Project, lead by Dr. Henry Markram, from the École Polytechnique Fédérale de Lausanne, is to simulate the human brain through supercomputing. The aim is to obtain useful knowledge to a range of scientific fields such as neuroscience, medicine and designing new information technologies.

BSC-CNS will collaborate in two ways: first, the centre will contribute the MareNostrum supercomputer for molecular simulations and, secondly, scientists from the centre will carry out research in programming models to allow these simulations to be developed efficiently.

The researchers from BSC-CNS participating in the project are the director of the Department of Computing Science, Jesús Labarta (lead researcher); the director if the Operations Department and the person in charge of MareNostrum, Sergi Girona; as well as Rosa Maria Badia, Álex Ramírez and Javier Bartolomé.