BSC-CNS Newsletter November 2021

Barcelona Supercomputing Center - Newsletter
NEWSLETTER November 2021

BSC will coordinate Quantum Spain, the national quantum computing ecosystem

The project includes the construction and commissioning of the first quantum computer in southern Europe, which will be operational by the end of 2022 and will be installed at BSC. It will involve 25 universities and research centres and infrastructures, from 14 autonomous communities, which will collaborate to create a Spanish quantum computing ecosystem. The project will be coordinated by the BSC researcher Alba Cervera.

BSC inaugurates its new corporate headquarters

The official opening ceremony of the BSC-Repsol Building took place on October 7. The new headquarters have 12,000 m2, four office floors, 530 workstations, 35 meeting rooms, two training rooms, an auditorium and various meeting points. It has had a cost of 19.6M€ and has been financed thanks to the contributions of the patrons of the centre and the collaboration of the Repsol Foundation and the European Regional Development Fund.

How will the world's climate change from now until 2070?

Current trends place us in 2070 at a global warming of between 4 and 5 ºC. A major global change could stabilize warming below 1.5 ºC, considered a safety threshold. These days, when the Cliate Change Conference is being held, BSC has provided the data to simulate the different scenarios.

MareNostrum 4 makes forecasts on the ash clouds and aerosols of the La Palma volcano for the emergency services

MareNostrum 4 offers daily forecasts to the scientific committee of the Canary Islands PEVOLCA on the movements that the emissions arising from the Cumbre Vieja volcano will have. These forecasts come from a collaboration between CSIC and BSC, and are intended to help the authorities in making decisions aimed at limiting the damage caused by the eruption.

Australian wildfires' ashes fertilised the Pacific Ocean

Between October 2019 and February 2020, fires burned in Australia like never before. An international study co-led by scientists from BSC and Duke University demonstrates that some of the aerosols that fell into the Pacific Ocean triggered a widespread increase in microscopic marine algae called phytoplankton. In other words, wildfires' aerosols fertilised the ocean similarly to when nutrients are added to agricultural grounds to help vegetables grow.

BSC creates and makes available to the scientific community the most extensive database with genomic information on pancreatic islets

This resource, called TIGER, allows an integrative exploration of the genetic expression data of pancreatic islets and that may have an effect on the development of type 2 diabetes. The characteristics of this database have been published in Cell Reports.

A project with participation of BSC receives €8 million from the EU to improve air quality monitoring in Europe

The RI-URBANS project will focus on nanoparticles and atmospheric particulate matter, their sizes, constituents, sources and gaseous precursors. BSC will develop a high-resolution emission inventory of ultrafine particles for the city of Barcelona, and evaluate it combining the use of observations with street-scale modelling techniques.

DEEP-SEA: BSC drives the node-level aspects of European exascale systems

BSC experts collaborate in the European project called DEEP- whose aim is to deliver the programming environment for future European Exascale systems. Researchers from BSC will bring their expertise across all levels of the software stack to improve programming and efficient use of increasingly complex and heterogeneous HPC clusters, with a focus on node level.

Several projects join forces to promote the mitigation of geological risks and boost the exploration of energy resources in the Pyrenees

BSC leads PIXIL, one of the projects participating in the event "Safer and more sustainable communities. Experiences of cross-border projects in the Pyrenees". The aim of the meeting was to present the tools implemented in the framework of the four cross-border projects (Spain, France, Andorra) and to debate different aspects related to the integration of the results.

European Consortium to integrate satellite and IoT data to develop innovative solutions for smart vineyard management

BSC participates in the European project VitiGEOSS, which aims to deploy innovative vineyard tools to support the sustainable management of the vineyard, offering integrated services for weather and climate predictions, crop and disease management, business operations and sustainability assessment.

BSC triples its members linked to FusionCAT project to develop cutting-edge tools by combining HPC with fusion expertise

BSC leads the FusionCAT project and the team involved has grown from the 7 members at the project launch to the current 25 professionals. This growth has established a highly multidisciplinary working force with the objective of collaborating in the field of research and development of fusion energy technology

Mateo Valero receives the CPEIG Collegiate of Honor award for his world leadership in the field of supercomputing

The Professional College of Computer Science Education of Galicia (CPEIG) awards the Prize of the Collegiate of Honor in the "XIII Noite da Enxeñaría en Informática de Galicia" to the computer architect Mateo Valero, director of BSC, promoter of supercomputing in Spain and Europe, and one of the world's most awarded researchers in his field.

BSC researcher Asun Lera St. Clair, member of the Citizen Assembly for Climate Expert Group

Asun Lera St.Clair, senior advisor in the Earth Sciences Department at BSC, has been appointed to the independent board of experts of the Spanish Citizen Assembly for Climate. She will advise the Spanish Government on an initiative that seeks to promote social debate on the search for solutions to the climate crisis.

Coming up
02 NOV 2021 MNHACK21: 3rd MareNostrum Hackathon Location: Virtual
02 NOV 2021 BSC-NVIDIA GPU Hackathons for HPC and AI Location: Virtual
05 NOV 2021 Arm SVE Hackathon 2021 Location: Virtual
09 NOV 2021 PATC: Earth Sciences Simulation Environments Location: Virtual
02 DEC 2021 2nd Fusion HPC Workshop Location: Virtual
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