BSC-CNS Newsletter May 2022

Barcelona Supercomputing Center - Newsletter

A study led by BSC establishes a methodology capable of mitigating energy crisis in Europe through climate predictions

BSC researchers propose a method capable of predicting variations in renewable energy generation months in advance through climate predictions. This work can help anticipate electricity demand and expected renewable energy generation across Europe, as well as prevent energy price crisis.

AINA project goes on tour through Catalan-speaking territories to add voices from all dialectal variants

The AINA project, promoted by the Catalan Government and BSC, launched a tour through Catalan-speaking territories with the aim of adding voices from the different dialectal variants of the Catalan language. In April the project was presented in Perpignan, Valencia and Palma de Mallorca. The AINA tour will continue before summertime with a second phase that will cover the whole of Catalonia.

The ChEESE project creates exascale-compatible services that will support geohazard risk mitigation

After three years of research, the European-funded Center of Excellence for Exascale in Solid Earth (ChEESE), led by BSC, has succeeded in preparing simulation codes and applications as geohazard mitigation services that can be used to support the private and public sectors in decision-making related to earthquakes, volcanoes, and tsunamis. The potential services, proven to run efficiently on present pre-exascale prototype supercomputers, were carried out as demonstrators in operational environments.

The PIXIL project promotes the first transnational network to boost geothermal energy exploration and its development

The PIXIL project has come to an end, becoming the first cross-border network (Spain-Andorra-France) for subsoil characterisation using geophysical imaging in the field of geothermal energy. Coordinated by BSC, the PIXIL project succeeded in connecting the academic and industrial sectors involved in geothermal energy, improved technologies and carried out application demonstrations that would not otherwise have been possible.

BSC leads a project to co-develop climate services with Arctic communities BSC researcher

The ArcticXchange project, in partnership with the Arctic Centre in the University of Lapland (Finland), will explore how climate predictions for the next weeks and months can inform the planning and management practices of reindeer herders. ArcticXchange partners will co-develop a case study for reindeer husbandry in Finnish Lapland.

Minister of Science and Innovation visits BSC

The Minister of Science and Innovation, Diana Morant, visited the chapel where the MareNostrum 4 supercomputer is housed and the recently finished facilities that will host MareNostrum 5, in which the Spanish Government has invested more than €52M. Morant referred to BSC as a "model of international prestige in the field of supercomputing" and highlighted its important contribution to attracting and retaining scientific talent in our country.

Antonio J. Peña, awarded an ERC Consolidator Grant for the “HomE” project

The HomE (Enabling Homomorphic Encryption of Deep Neural Network Models and Datasets in Production Environments) project aims at enabling the feasibility of privacy-preserving machine learning in untrusted environments such as cloud services. HomE will put together HPC software optimization techniques and novel hardware designs, on top of Persistent Memory technology, to enable production-sized scenarios of homomorphically-encrypted deep learning.

Mateo Valero, Doctor Honoris Causa of the University Cristóbal Colon, in Mexico

The Director of BSC has been awarded the first Honorary Doctorate in Engineering and Architecture by the University Cristóbal Colón, Veracruz (Mexico). The university recognizes "his extraordinary contribution to the field of computing and his outstanding commitment to using information technologies at the service, development and welfare of society".

"We are Young Researchers', awarded the Catalonian National Research Award for scientific communication

BSC has been awarded the Catalonian National Research Award for scientific communication for the "We are Young Researchers" project. The Catalan Government and the Catalan Foundation for Research and Innovation have recognized the work of BSC to make STEM areas attractive for middle school students, with special emphasis on girls, thus contributing to reduce the gender gap in these fields.

Coming up
10 MAY 2022 9th BSC Doctoral Symposium 2022 Location: Aula Master (UPC Campus Nord)
18 MAY 2022 Virtual BSC RS/ ES inDust Webinar: Variability in modelled airborne dust mineralogy Location: Virtual event over Zoom, with the required registration.
19 MAY 2022 BSC RS: RISC-V Near-Memory Processing Accelerators Location: Severo Ochoa Room, Capella.
23 MAY 2022 6th Barcelona VPH Summer School Location: UPF Poblenou Campus
23 MAY 2022 PATC: Introduction to CUDA Programming Location: The course format will be online via Zoom.
27 MAY 2022 PATC: Introduction to OpenACC Location: The course format will be online via Zoom.
27 JUN 2022 3rd Workshop on Heterogeneous Memory Systems (HMEM 2021) Location: Collocated with ICS2022
30 JUN 2022 Barcelona Build vs. Buy HPC Summit (3B4HPC) Location: Aula Master, (UPC Campus Nord) and BSC
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