Open Call for Severo Ochoa Mobility Grants 2013

17 Septiembre 2013

The Severo Ochoa (SO) program at BSC provides financial support for outgoing and incoming mobility of researchers of up to a maximum of € 3000 per person. The second call is open now until October 7th. It is addressed to researchers working in areas supporting the Severo Ochoa BSC project objectives. There are two types of mobility: outgoing, for visits and exchange of BSC researchers to other research Institutions, and ingoing for visits and exchange of researchers on collaboration related to the Severo Ochoa research project. The grant covers the period from September to December 2013. If you are interested in sending your application, please fill in the two forms: outgoing mobility form and incoming mobility form.

For more information, please visit the Mobility Grants page or send an email to