Face-to-face meeting gathers the HPC4E team

15 Septiembre 2016

HPC for Energy (HPC4E) partners are celebrating a face-to-face meeting in Gramado (Brazil) on 14 - 16 September. As the project draws towards the end of its first year, all teams are presenting the progress they have made so far and are sharing the challenges to come and the next steps to take in order to advance the research and outputs of the project.

The agenda of the meeting includes not only presentations by each one of the teams but also parallel and plenary sessions, a Q&A time and work sessions focused on presenting the research done by the PhD students in the different teams.

The HPC4E project is coordinated by BSC and is running from 1 December 2015 to 30 November 2017. The project has been granted €2 million in funding by the EU’s Horizon 2020 research and innovation programme. HPC4E brings together European and Brazilian partners that include both companies within the energy sector, such as REPSOL, TOTAL, Iberdrola and Petrobras, as well as the following research centres:  BSC, CIEMAT, Inria, University of Lancaster (ULANC), COPPE, LNNC, ITA, Universidad Federal do Rio Grande do Sur and Universidad Federal de Pernambuco.

José María Cela, CASE director and HPC4E EU coordinator, says that "HPC4E is progressing very well in terms of both the technical achievements and the cooperation between European and Brazilian groups. In the coming months, relevant results in the use of biogas, wind farm analysis and exploration geophysics will be released."

Energy is one of the current priorities for EU-Brazil cooperation. The main objective is to develop high-performance simulation tools that go beyond the state-of-the-art to help the energy industry respond to both future energy demands and carbon-related environmental issues.

For further information, please feel free to visit www.hpc4e.eu and bit.ly/HPC4Energy