BSC strengthens partnerships with leading international HPC and research centres

01 Diciembre 2014

Last week, Chicago hosted the second Joint-Laboratory on Extreme Scale Computing Workshop.

From 24 to 26 November, Chicago hosted the second JLESC (Joint-Laboratory on Extreme Scale Computing) Workshop, attended by several BSC researchers, including the centre’s director Mateo Valero and Jesús Labarta, Director of the Computer Sciences Department.

The workshop brought together researchers from the University of Illinois, INRIA, NCSA, Argonne National Laboratory, Jülich Supercomputing Center and RIKEN Advanced Institute for Computational Science in addition to those from BSC. Its purpose was to explore research problems related to post Petascale/Exascale supercomputers and present early results of the joint work. A key objective was to identify new research collaborations and establish a roadmap for their implementation.

BSC researchers had the opportunity to present some of the research undertaken in the centre in the areas of applications, storage, resilience, monitoring, tools, program models and architecture. According to Labarta, the aim was to ‘establish a firm partnership through which we can coordinate and share our research and technology with that of other centres.”

The next workshop will take place in Barcelona in June 2015. 

About the Joint Lab

In June 2009, the University of Illinois at Urbana-Champaign and INRIA, the French national computer science institute, formed the Joint Laboratory for Petascale Computing. The JLPC was based at Illinois and included researchers from INRIA, Illinois’ Center for Extreme-Scale Computation and the National Center for Supercomputing Applications. It focused on software challenges found in complex high-performance computers.

The success of the JLPC motivated its extension to other partners. Argonne National Laboratory joined in 2013 and Barcelona Supercomputing Center joined in 2014. In June 2014 the JLPC became the Joint-Laboratory on Extreme Scale Computing. The JLESC is still based at Illinois.

The objective of the JLESC is to support cooperation and collaboration between these centres by setting up workshops to exchange ideas and visits from students and postdocs.

New partners are expected to join the JLESC in the coming months.