BSC hosts the 2nd European Earth System and Climate Modeling School

05 Junio 2014

The school is offering the unique opportunity to study and compare the behavior of the three models for the same climate problem sets.

Barcelona Supercomputing Center will host from 10th  to 20th of June the 2nd European Earth System and Climate Modeling School (E2SCMS) which merges two very successful summer schools: the Earth System Modelling School by MPI for Meteorology (MPI-M, and the Climate Modelling Summer School of the British National Centre for Atmospheric Science (NCAS,
Three European models - HAD-GEM, MPI-ESM and EC-Earth - will be employed at the E2SCMS.

The school is offering the unique opportunity to study and compare the behavior of the three models for the same climate problem sets. The school combines a series of lectures and discussions with practical modelling and data processing exercises, and will include the interpretation and presentation of simulation results.

Attendance of international experts in Earth system and climate modelling will ensure an advanced and stimulating learning environment for participants.

This summer school is launched by the European Network for Earth System modelling (ENES) with support of the FP7 project IS-ENES2