PATC: HPC-based simulations, Engineering and Environment with applications in Bioengineering

Fecha: 14/Feb/2018 Time: 09:00 - 16/Feb/2018 Time: 18:00


The course will take place in
Barcelona Supercomputing Centre,
within the UPC Campus Nord premises.

Vertex Building VS208

Target group: INTERMEDIATE: for trainees with some theoretical and practical knowledge;  

Cost: There is no registration fee. The attendees would need to cover the expenses for travel, accommodation and meals. CompBioMed will be offering a few travel grants for this training event. Please go to Further information to learn more about the requirements.  

Primary tabs


The objetive of this course is to give a panorama on the use of hpc-based computational mechanics in Engineering and Environment through the projects BSC are carrying on. This panorama includes the basics of what is behind the main tools: computational mechanics and parallelization. The training is delivered in collaboration with the center of excellence CompBioMed.

A number of fixed amount travel grants will be offered to a selected number of participants for covering part of their travelling expenses.
To learn about how to apply to a CompBioMed travel grant please go to Further information.


Level: All courses are designed for specialists with at least 1st cycle degree or similar background experience

All PATC Courses at BSC do not charge fees.






Academic Staff

Course Convener: Mariano Vazquez



• The User may only download, make and retain a copy of the materials for his/her use for non‐commercial and research purposes.

• The User may not commercially use the material, unless has been granted prior written consent by the Licensor to
do so; and cannot remove, obscure or modify copyright notices, text acknowledging or other means of identification or disclaimers as they appear.

• For further details, please contact BSC‐CNS patc [at] bsc [dot] es

Further information


BSC and PRACE 3IP project are funding the PATC @ BSC training events.
If you want to learn more about PRACE Project, visit the website.

Contact Us:

CONTACT US for further details about MSc, PhD, Post Doc studies, exchanges and collaboration in education and training with BSC.
For further details about Postgraduate Studies in UPC - Barcelona School of Informatics (FiB), visit the website.

Recommended Accomodation:

Please follow the link for map of some local hotels.

CompBioMed travel grants available :

Guidelines for CompBioMed Winter School travel grants: CompBioMed travel grants are fixed-amount support grants (amount per day) to facilitate attendance at the HPC-based simulations, Engineering and Environment with applications in Bioengineering training event in February 2018. Please check the eligibility criteria, how to apply and the terms and conditions laid out below, before applying.
Eligibility criteria:
  • The travel grants can only be used for the 2018 "HPC-based simulations, Engineering and environment" training event at Barcelona Supercomputing Center.
  • You must be a student or early career scientist from an academic institution.
  • Your research or primary research activity must align with the CompBioMed CoE field of interest.
  • You must not already be funded from CompBioMed, or have received funding in the past 12 months.
  • The maximum funding award is 100 EUR per day.

How to apply

  • Complete the online course application form between the 8th of January to the 4th of February.
  • Indicate if your attendance is dependent on the travel grant. Submit a short biography including your work history, a description of your current research interests.
  • Each document should be no longer than 100 words.
  • Provide a letter of support from a supervisor or a senior co-worker explaining why you should be selected for this workshop (and the travel grant).

Terms and conditions If your application is successful:

  • The travel grant can only be used for the  training event that will be held in Barcelona in February 2018.
  • Travel grant is a reimbursement after the event.
  • To claim the reimbursement you must send the original receipts, a completed reimbursement form, course certificate of attendance and evidence of a completed feedback survey within 6 weeks of the event.
  • You are required to write a report (300-400 words, incl. 1 photo) upon your return. Your report may be published on the CompBioMed website and publicised via social media.


Apply for the grant