Salvador Capella Gutierrez

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EOSC-synergy extends the EOSC coordination to nine participating countries by harmonizing policies and federating relevant national research e-Infrastructures, scientific data and thematic services, bridging the gap between national initiatives and EOSC. The project introduces new capabilities by opening national thematic services to European access, thus expanding the EOSC...

The life sciences are undergoing a transformation. Modern experimental tools study the molecules, reactions, and organisation of life in unprecedented detail. The precipitous drop in costs for high-throughput biology has enabled European research laboratories to produce an everincreasing amount of data.

Life scientists are rapidly generating the most...

CanSHare will develop the first centralised, secure and sustainable platform for enhanced cross-border data sharing and multi-cohort personalised medicine research in cardiology. At its heart, the platform will contain the most comprehensive cardiovascular data catalogue ever assembled, which will facilitate data discoverability and exploitation in full alignment with the...

EOSC, Biological Medical Research Infrastructures, BMS RI, ESFR, Cloud, Data Resources, GDPR EOSC-Life brings together the 13 Biological and Medical ESFRI research infrastructures (BMS RIs) to create an open collaborative space for digital biology. It is our joint response to the challenge of analysing and reusing the prodigious amounts of data produced by life-science....
