Alfonso Valencia

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The overall objectives of the EJP RD are:

  • To improve the integration, the efficacy, the production and the social impact of research on RD through the development, demonstration and promotion of Europe-wide and even world-wide sharing of research and clinical data, materials, processes, knowledge and know-how;
  • To implement and further develop an...

Effective personalized medicine for paediatric cancers must address a multitude of challenges, including domain-specific challenges. To overcome these challenges, we propose a comprehensive computational effort to combine knowledge-base, machine-learning, and mechanistic models to predict optimal standard and experimental therapies for each child. Our approach is based on...

At an increasing rate, industrial and scientific institutions need to deal with massive data flows streaming in from a multitude of sources. For instance, maritime surveillance applications combine high-velocity data streams, including vessel position signals emitted from hundreds of thousands of vessels across the world and acoustic signals of autonomous, unmanned vessels;...

Computer and information sciences, Health data, FAIRification, FAIR, FAIR-CMMI Wide sharing of knowledge and data drives the progression of science. Shared data allows other researchers to reproduce findings and benchmark quality of experiments. Sharing data so that other researchers can Find, Access and Interoperate i.e. integrate the data with the outcomes of their own...
