
Mostrando 161 - 170 de 185
  • 14 Oct 2012

    Computational biology: From genomes to cells and systems

    Ubicación: L'Escala (Girona)
    2012-10-14 00:00:00 Europe/Madrid Computational biology: From genomes to cells and systems For details, click on the following event link: https://www.bsc.es/es/news/events/computational-biology-genomes-cells-and-systems L'Escala (Girona)
  • 09 Oct 2012

    Slurm User Group Meeting 2012

    Ubicación: The event will take place next to the facilities of the Barcelona Supercomputing Center, located at the North Campus of UPC of the city of Barcelona (Spain). See a map of the campus below: Registration and all plenary sessions will be held in Aula Master, Building A3 of the North Campus UPC. The hands-on sessions will be held in  Vertex Building Pl. Eusebi Güell, 6 08034 Barcelona - 2 floor, VS217.
    2012-10-09 09:00:00 2012-10-10 18:00:00 Europe/Madrid Slurm User Group Meeting 2012 For details, click on the following event link: https://www.bsc.es/es/news/events/slurm-user-group-meeting-2012-0 The event will take place next to the facilities of the Barcelona Supercomputing Center, located at the North Campus of UPC of the city of Barcelona (Spain). See a map of the campus below: Registration and all plenary sessions will be held in Aula Master, Building A3 of the North Campus UPC. The hands-on sessions will be held in  Vertex Building Pl. Eusebi Güell, 6 08034 Barcelona - 2 floor, VS217.
  • 09 Oct 2012

    Slurm User Group Meeting 2012

    Ubicación: Aula Master, North Campus UPC
    2012-10-09 00:00:00 Europe/Madrid Slurm User Group Meeting 2012 For details, click on the following event link: https://www.bsc.es/es/news/events/slurm-user-group-meeting-2012 Aula Master, North Campus UPC
  • 2012-09-19 00:00:00 Europe/Madrid Advancing Biodiversity e-science innovation through Global Cooperation For details, click on the following event link: https://www.bsc.es/es/news/events/advancing-biodiversity-e-science-innovation-through-global-cooperation Recife (Brazil)
  • 2012-09-17 09:00:00 2012-09-17 09:00:00 Europe/Madrid Ab initio Modelling in Solid State Chemistry For details, click on the following event link: https://www.bsc.es/es/news/events/ab-initio-modelling-solid-state-chemistry ---
  • 12 Sep 2012

    6th RES User's Conference and HPC Advisory Council Spain Conference 2012

    Ubicación: Escuela Técnica Superior de Ingeniería Industrial de Málaga
    2012-09-12 00:00:00 Europe/Madrid 6th RES User's Conference and HPC Advisory Council Spain Conference 2012 For details, click on the following event link: https://www.bsc.es/es/news/events/6th-res-users-conference-and-hpc-advisory-council-spain-conference-2012 Escuela Técnica Superior de Ingeniería Industrial de Málaga
  • 02 Jul 2012

    PUMPS Summer School 2012

    Ubicación: Vertex Building
    2012-07-02 00:00:00 Europe/Madrid PUMPS Summer School 2012 For details, click on the following event link: https://www.bsc.es/es/news/events/pumps-summer-school-2012 Vertex Building
  • 28 Jun 2012
    2012-06-28 00:00:00 Europe/Madrid Mateo'12: Multicore Architectures and Their Effective Operation 2012 For details, click on the following event link: https://www.bsc.es/es/news/events/mateo12-multicore-architectures-and-their-effective-operation-2012 Auditorium - Vèrtex Building
  • 21 May 2012
    2012-05-21 00:00:00 Europe/Madrid En los orígenes de la mente humana For details, click on the following event link: https://www.bsc.es/es/news/events/en-los-or%C3%ADgenes-de-la-mente-humana CCCB
  • 26 Mar 2012

    Barcelona meeting

    Ubicación: Sala de Teleenseñanza Edificio B3 Campus Nord UPC Calle Jordi Girona, nº1-3 08034 Barcelona
    2012-03-26 08:30:00 Europe/Madrid Barcelona meeting For details, click on the following event link: https://www.bsc.es/es/news/events/barcelona-meeting Sala de Teleenseñanza Edificio B3 Campus Nord UPC Calle Jordi Girona, nº1-3 08034 Barcelona
