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BSC Commands

BSC Commands

The Support team at BSC has provided some commands useful for user's awareness and ease of use in our HPC machines. A short summary of these commands follows:

  • bsc_queues: Show the queues the user has access to and their time/resources limits.
  • bsc_quota: Show a comprehensible quota usage summary for all accessible filesystems.
  • bsc_acct: Displays accounting information on the project's allocation usage.
  • bsc_load: Displays job load information across all related computing nodes.
  • bsc_py_packages: Searches for python packages installed. See bsc_py_packages section for more information.
  • bsc_R_packages: Searches for R packages installed. See bsc_R_packages section for more information.
  • bsc_project: Displays available HPC accounts and switches to one of them. See bsc_project section for more information.

Most available commands have a dedicated manpage (not all commands are available for all machines). You can check more information about these commands checking their respective manpage:

man <bsc_command>

For example:
man bsc_quota

Commands Available per machine

HSM Compute


The bsc_py_packages is a command designed to search through the python packages already installed in the machine so that you can find the module(s) that best suits your needs. This command is case non-sensitive.

The command has different options:

  • You can specify the name of the packages in the command line:

    bsc_py_packages  -n name_package [name_package ...] 
    bsc_py_packages  --name name_package [name_package ...]

    Or if you prefer you can pass a requirements file as your list of packages to search:

    bsc_py_packages  -f [FILENAME] 
    bsc_py_packages --filename [FILENAME]

    You can either specify the name of the file or leave it blank. If no file name is specified, it looks for requirements.txt in the directory you are currently standing.

  • You can save all of the results in a CSV table:

    bsc_py_packages  -c [CSV] 
    bsc_py_packages --csv [CSV]

    You can either specify the name of the csv or leave it blank. If no name is specified, results will be saved to 'py_packages.csv'.

  • The command will print the first 5 results. If you want to print more or less results, you can specify it with the following option:

    bsc_py_packages  -N [NUMBER] 
    bsc_py_packages --number [NUMBER]
  • To print the help message:

    bsc_py_packages  -h
    bsc_py_packages --help


The bsc_R_packages is a command that allows you to search for R packages installed on machines. This way, you can find the version(s) of R for the installed packages. This command is case non-sensitive.

The command has different options:

  • You can specify the name of the packages in the command line:

    bsc_R_packages  -n name_package [name_package ...] 
    bsc_R_packages  --name name_package [name_package ...]

    Or if you prefer you can pass a requirements file as your list of packages to search:

    bsc_R_packages  -f [FILENAME] 
    bsc_R_packages --filename [FILENAME]

    You can either specify the name of the file or leave it blank. If no file name is specified, it looks for requirements.txt in the directory you are currently standing.

  • You can save all of the results in a CSV table:

    bsc_R_packages  -c [CSV] 
    bsc_R_packages --csv [CSV]

    You can either specify the name of the csv or leave it blank. If no name is specified, results will be saved to 'R_packages.csv'.

  • The command will print the first 5 results. If you want to print more or less results, you can specify it with the following option:

    bsc_R_packages  -N [NUMBER] 
    bsc_R_packages --number [NUMBER]
  • To print the help message:

    bsc_R_packages  -h
    bsc_R_packages --help


The bsc_project command allows for a given user to switch between their slurm accounts, and set some environment variables. Due to this, the command must be run using 'source' instead of running it bare-bone like the other bsc_commands:

  • To list the currently available accounts:

    source bsc_project list
  • To switch to an account:

    source bsc_project ACCOUNT

The environment variables set by this command are the following:

ACCOUNT: Currently active slurm account
GSCRATCH: Currently active /gpfs/scratch directory
GPROJECTS: Currently active /gpfs/projects directory