Install R packages
Requirements to install packages
Requirements to install packages networked (must have Internet access)
Connect to login0 of MareNostrum4:
mylaptop$> ssh {username}@mn0.bsc.es
IMPORTANTThe MareNostrum4 login0 is restricted to BSC staff and is only accessible from the BSC internal network or the Virtual Private Network (VPN).
Check the Internet connectivity from login0, for example:
$> wget --tries=3 --timeout=5 -q --spider google.com && echo "Networked" || echo "Non-networked"
Install and manage packages
Install packages
Install a package from CRAN:
$> install.packages("SomePackage")
Install multiple packages at once:
$> install.packages(c("A", "B", "C", "D"))
Update packages
Update one or more specific packages:
$> update.packages(oldPkgs = c("A", "B"))
Update all packages:
$> update.packages()
$> BiocManager::install()
Remove packages
Remove a package:
$> remove.packages("SomePackage")
Work with environments
Create a file called ~/.Renviron containing the following line:
$> R_LIBS=/path/to/my/R/local/project