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Object Storage

OpenStack Object Storage (swift) service provides software that stores and retrieves data over HTTP. Objects (blobs of data) are stored in an organizational hierarchy that offers anonymous read-only access, ACL defined access, or even temporary access. Object Storage supports multiple token-based authentication mechanisms implemented via middleware.

Object Storage account terminology

OpenStack Object Storage account

Collection of containers; not user accounts or authentication. Which users are associated with the account and how they may access it depends on the authentication system used. See Object Storage authentication.

Openstack Object Storage containters

Collection of objects. Metadata on the container is available for ACLs. The meaning of ACLs is dependent on the authentication system used.

Object Storage operations via Horizon

Containter creation

  1. Login with your Fenix AAI, RES or HPC account via Web Access -- Horizon OpenStack Service.

  2. On panel Project -> Object Storage -> Containers Click on "+ Container".

  3. Fill out the name field and Select the Container Access "Public or no Public".

Container creation

Operations into a Container

  1. Login with your Fenix AAI, RES or HPC account via Web Access -- Horizon OpenStack Service.

  2. On panel Project -> Object Storage -> Containers

Create a folder into a container

Folder creation into a container

Upload a file into a container

File uploading into a container

Download a file from a container

File uploading into a container

Object Storage operations via OSC

Container creation

1.Use your app credentials. For more information, goes to subsection 3.2 CLI Access:

    $ source

2.Get a token. It will be necessary for any swift operations

$ openstack token issue
| Field | Value |
| expires | 2021-05-25T10:15:18+0000 |
| id | <token-id> |
| project_id | <project-id> |
| user_id | <user-id> |

3.Create a container

    $ openstack container create container-01

4.List your account

$ openstack container show container-01
| Field | Value |
| account | AUTH_account |
| bytes_used | 8063 |
| container | container-01 |
| object_count | 1 |

5.List containers

$ openstack container list
| Name |
| container-01 |

$ swift --os-auth-token <token-id> --os-storage-url list

Uploads files or directories

$ openstack object create container-01 folder-01/file-01.txt 

| object | container | etag |
| folder-01/file-01.txt | container-01 | d41d8cd98f00b204e9800998ecf8427e |

$ openstack object list container-01

| Name |
| folder-01/file-01.txt |


$ swift --os-auth-token <token-id> --os-storage-url upload container-01 folder-01

$ swift --os-auth-token <token-id> --os-storage-url upload container-01/folder01 file-01.txt

$ swift --os-auth-token <token-id> --os-storage-url list

Download a file

$ openstack object save container-01 folder-01/file-01.txt


$ swift --os-auth-token <token-id> --os-storage-url list

$ swift --os-auth-token <token-id> --os-storage-url download container-01 folder-01/file-01.txt
file-01.txt [auth 0.000s, headers 1.464s, total 1.475s, 0.005 MB/s]

Backup Volumes

Swift and Cinder Backup services are enabled to support the backup and restore of your volumes into and from your containers using OSC.


List Volumes and Snapshots

    $ openstack volume list
$ openstack volume snapshot list
  • Full Backup
$ openstack volume backup create --force --name <backup-name> --description <backup-description> 
--container <container> <volume-name>
  • Incremental Backup
$ openstack volume backup create --force --incremental --name <backup-name> --description <backup-description> 
--container <container> <volume-name>
  • Backup a snapshot
$ openstack volume backup create --force --name <backup-name> --description <backup-description> --container <container> 
--snapshot <snapshot-id> <volume-name>


The volume to restore must be available

    $ openstack volume list
$ openstack volume backup restore <volume-backup-id> <volume-id>