AB Viewer

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AB viewer

Barcelona's water distribution system analysis tool

The AB Viewer is the first of a series of projects with Aigües de Barcelona. Both companies collaborate to develop analysis tools that simplify the prioritization processes of the investments that the water company allocates to its home distribution network.

In addition, the researchers also deepen the investigation of advanced machine learning systems, which will efficiently manage large volumes of data.

The tool, focused on showing the prioritization of the stretches of the water distribution network in Barcelona, ​​represents a transparency tool for citizens, justifying the planned works based on environmental parameters, social and economic impact of the same in the city.

Initially designed for all types of users, it allows the exploration of the scores of different sections, as well as the distinction of the most prone to change. This tool's main visualization challenge is to observe simultaneously several complex layers of information. Through the use of filters and advanced design techniques, the solution makes the information available to the user in a systematic clear manner, favoring the understanding of the parameters involved.