RES - Intranet Area

RES - Red Española de Supercomputación

HomeData policy

Data policy


In agreement with the foreseen obligations in the law 34/2002, of the information society and electronic commerce (Hereinafter known as LSSIYCE), BARCELONA SUPERCOMPUTING CENTER-CENTRO NACIONAL DE SUPERCOMPUTACIÓN (BSC-CNS) declares that the domain is owned by BSC-CNS, with CIF S-0800099-D, and domicile in c. Jordi Girona n. 31, 08034 Barcelona (Barcelona).

BSC-CNS cannot assume any responsibilities derived from the incorrect, inappropriate to illegal use of the information that appears in the websites.

With the limits established by the law, BSC-CNS does not assume any responsibilities derived from the lack of truth, integrity, updating and precision of the data or information that is contained in its internet webpages. The content and the information of these BSC-CNS webpages are developed by professionals duly qualified to practice their profession. However, the content and information not linked to the aforementioned, nor that constitutes opinions, advice or legal advice of any kind, is merely treated as a service offered in an informative nature.

BSC-CNS webpages can contain links to other third party webpages. Therefore, BSC-CNS can no assume responsibility for the content that may appear in the third party webpages. The texts, images, sounds, animations, software and the rest of the context included in the website are exclusive property of BSC-CNS or its licensors. Any act of transmission, distribution, storage or public communication, as a whole or in part, must have the expressed consent of BSC-CNS.


In virtue of the Law 15/1999, 13 December, regarding the protection of personal data, we make it known that personal data, which may be in this communication, are incorporated in a file with responsible of BSC-CNS trade, CIF: S-0800099-D. The purpose of this file is to manage the business relationship and to inform you of our services. The data will not be passed on to third parties.

Moreover, in order to access some of the services that BSC-CNS offers through its website some personal data must be provided. In compliance with the provisions of LO 15/1999, of December 13, on the Protection of Personal Data, we inform you that, through the fulfillment of the form, your personal data will be incorporated and treated in BSC-CNS files in order to be able to render and offer our services, as well as provide the best webpages.

If you wish to exercise your rights of access, rectification, cancellation or opposition, you can find us at: c. Jordi Girona n. 31, 08034 Barcelona (Barcelona), or send an email to


This site is the property by BSC-CNS, but it is granted a Creative Commons license, in particular the following:

Recognition-NonCommerical CC BY-NC

This license allows others to partly use, adjust and build on from its work for non-commercial purposes, and although in their new creations they must recognize the authorship and cannot be used in a commercial manner, they do not have to be under a license with the same terms.


The present general conditions are governed by the Spanish Legislation, being competent the Spanish Courts and Tribunals of Barcelona to know how many questions arise about the interpretation, application and fulfillment of the same.

THE USER, by virtue of their acceptance of the general conditions contained in this legal notice, expressly waives any jurisdiction that, by application of the Law of Civil Procedure in force, may have corresponded to him, whenever this submission is possible.