About displaying resource allocation limits

The command blimits displays:
  • Configured limit policy name

  • Users (-u option)

  • Queues (-q option)

  • Hosts (-m option)

  • Project names (-P option)

Resources that have no configured limits or no limit usage are indicated by a dash (-). Limits are displayed in a USED/LIMIT format. For example, if a limit of 10 slots is configured and 3 slots are in use, then blimits displays the limit for SLOTS as 3/10.

If limits MEM, SWP, or TMP are configured as percentages, both the limit and the amount used are displayed in MB. For example, lshosts displays maximum memory (maxmem) of 249 MB, and MEM is limited to 10% of available memory. If 10 MB out of are used, blimits displays the limit for MEM as 10/25 (10 MB USED from a 25 MB LIMIT).

Configured limits and resource usage for builtin resources (slots, mem, tmp, and swp load indices) are displayed as INTERNAL RESOURCE LIMITS separately from custom external resources, which are shown as EXTERNAL RESOURCE LIMITS.

Limits are displayed for both the vertical tabular format and the horizontal format for Limit sections. If a vertical format Limit section has no name, blimits displays NONAMEnnn under the NAME column for these limits, where the unnamed limits are numbered in the order the vertical-format Limit sections appear in the lsb.resources file.

If a resource consumer is configured as all, the limit usage for that consumer is indicated by a dash (-).

PER_HOST slot limits are not displayed. The bhosts commands displays these as MXJ limits.

In MultiCluster, blimits returns the information about all limits in the local cluster.