


This is the maximum number of open file connections between mbatchd and sbatchd. The system sets it automatically during mbatchd startup


LSB_MAX_JOB_DISPATCH_PER_SESSION and MAX_SBD_CONNS affect the number of file descriptors. To decrease the load on the master LIM it is highly recommended not to configure the master host as the first host for the LSF_SERVER_HOSTS parameter.

The default values for LSB_MAX_JOB_DISPATCH_PER_SESSION and MAX_SBD_CONNS are set during mbatchd startup. They are not changed dynamically. In other words, if hosts are added dynamically, mbatchd does not increase their values. Once all the hosts have been added, you must run the badmin mbdrestart command to set the correct values. Alternatively, if you know in advanced your cluster will dynamically grow or shrink (dynamic hosts), then configure these parameters before hand.



numOfHosts + (2 * LSB_MAX_JOB_DISPATCH_PER_SESSION)+200. This formulae does not provide the exact number of SBD connections because it also calculates the lost and found hosts. Therefore, the calculated number of connections might be a few more than the theoretical number.