Specifies a ratio between a job run limit and the runtime estimate specified by bsub -We or bmod -We, -We+, -Wep. The ratio does not apply to the RUNTIME parameter in lsb.applications.
This ratio can be set to 0 and no restrictions are applied to the runtime estimate.
JOB_RUNLIMIT_RATIO prevents abuse of the runtime estimate. The value of this parameter is the ratio of run limit divided by the runtime estimate.
By default, the ratio value is 0. Only administrators can set or change this ratio. If the ratio changes, it only applies to newly submitted jobs. The changed value does not retroactively reapply to already submitted jobs.
If the users specifiy a runtime estimate only (bsub -We), the job-level run limit will automatically be set to runtime_ratio * runtime_estimate. Jobs running longer than this run limit are killed by LSF. If the job-level run limit is greater than the hard run limit in the queue, the job is rejected.
If the users specify a runtime estimate (-We) and job run limit (-W) at job submission, and the run limit is greater than runtime_ratio * runtime_estimate, the job is rejected.
If the users modify the run limit to be greater than runtime_ratio, they must increase the runtime estimate first (bmod -We). Then they can increase the default run limit.
LSF remembers the run limit is set with bsub -W or convert from runtime_ratio * runtime_estimate. When users modify the run limit with bmod -Wn, the run limit is automatically be set to runtime_ratio * runtime_estimate If the run limit is set from runtime_ratio, LSF rejects the run limit modification.
If users modify the runtime estimate with bmod -We and the run limit is set by the user, the run limit is MIN(new_estimate * new_ratio, run_limit). If the run limit is set by runtime_ratio, the run limit is set to new_estimate * new_ratio.
If users modify the runtime estimate by using bmod -Wen and the run limit is set by the user, it is not changed. If the run limit is set by runtime_ratio, it is set to unlimited.
Run limit (for example with bsub -We) is 10, JOB_RUNLIMIT_RATIO=5 in the sending cluster, JOB_RUNLIMIT_RATIO=0 in the receiving cluster—run limit=50, and the job will run
Run limit (for example with bsub -We) is 10, JOB_RUNLIMIT_RATIO=5 in the sending cluster, JOB_RUNLIMIT_RATIO=3 in the receiving cluster—run limit=50, and the job will pend
Run limit (for example with bsub -We) is 10, JOB_RUNLIMIT_RATIO=5 in the sending cluster, JOB_RUNLIMIT_RATIO=6 in the receiving cluster—run limit=50, and the job will run
Run limit (for example with bsub -We) is 10, JOB_RUNLIMIT_RATIO=0 in the sending cluster, JOB_RUNLIMIT_RATIO=5 in the receiving cluster—run limit=50, and the job will run
MultiCluster job lease model, the JOB_RUNLIMIT_RATIO value applies to jobs running on remote leased hosts as if they were running on local hosts.