The shared directory in which mbatchd saves the attached data of messages posted with the bpost command.
Use JOB_ATTA_DIR if you use bpost and bread to transfer large data files between jobs and want to avoid using space in LSB_SHAREDDIR. By default, the bread command reads attachment data from the JOB_ATTA_DIR directory.
JOB_ATTA_DIR should be shared by all hosts in the cluster, so that any potential LSF master host can reach it. Like LSB_SHAREDIR, the directory should be owned and writable by the primary LSF administrator. The directory must have at least 1 MB of free space.
After adding JOB_ATTA_DIR to lsb.params, use badmin reconfig to reconfigure your cluster.
JOB_ATTA_DIR can be any valid UNIX or Windows path up to a maximum length of 256 characters.
Not defined
If JOB_ATTA_DIR is not specified, job message attachments are saved in LSB_SHAREDIR/info/.