Cluster wide current working directory (CWD) for the job. The path can be absolute or relative to the submission directory. The path can include the following dynamic patterns (which are case sensitive):
%J - job ID
%JG - job group (if not specified, it will be ignored)
%I - job index (default value is 0)
%EJ - execution job ID
%EI - execution job index
%P - project name
%U - user name
%G - New user group new for both CWD and job output directory
Unsupported patterns are treated as text.
LSF only creates the directory if CWD includes dynamic patterns. For example:
bsub -cwd. If not defined, LSF goes to steps 2 and 3.
Environment variable LSB_JOB_CWD. If not defined, LSF goes to steps 3 and 4.
Application profile based JOB_CWD parameter. If not defined, LSF goes to step 4.
Cluster wide CWD (DEFAULT_JOB_CWD). If not defined, it means there is no CWD and the submission directory will be used instead.
DEFAULT_JOB_CWD supports all LSF path conventions such as UNIX, UNC and Windows formats. In a mixed UNIX/Windows cluster, CWD can be specified with one value for UNIX and another value for Windows separated by a pipe character (|).
The first part of the path must be for UNIX and the second part must be for Windows. Both paths must be full paths.
Not defined.