
The lsb.modules file contains configuration information for LSF scheduler and resource broker modules. The file contains only one section, named PluginModule.

This file is optional. If no scheduler or resource broker modules are configured, LSF uses the default scheduler plugin modules named schmod_default and schmod_fcfs.

The lsb.modules file is stored in the directory LSB_CONFDIR/cluster_name/configdir, where LSB_CONFDIR is defined in lsf.conf.

Changing lsb.modules configuration

After making any changes to lsb.modules, run badmin reconfig to reconfigure mbatchd.

PluginModule section


Defines the plugin modules for the LSF scheduler and LSF resource broker. If this section is not configured, LSF uses the default scheduler plugin modules named schmod_default and schmod_fcfs, which enable the LSF default scheduling features.

Example PluginModule section

The following PluginModule section enables all scheduling policies provided by LSF:
Begin PluginModule 
schmod_default               ()                      () 
schmod_fairshare             ()                      () 
schmod_fcfs                  ()                      () 
schmod_limit                 ()                      () 
schmod_parallel              ()                      () 
schmod_reserve               ()                      () 
schmod_preemption            ()                      ()
schmod_advrsv                ()                      () 
schmod_mc                    ()                      () 
schmod_jobweight             ()                      () 
schmod_cpuset                ()                      () 
schmod_pset                  ()                      ()
schmod_ps                    ()                      () 
schmod_aps                   ()                      () 
schmod_affinity              ()                      () 
End PluginModule

PluginModule section structure

The first line consists of the following keywords:




They identify the scheduler plugins, resource broker plugins, and the scheduler phase to be disabled for the plugins that you wish to configure.

Each subsequent line describes the configuration information for one scheduler plugin module, resource broker plugin module, and scheduler phase, if any, to be disabled for the plugin. Each line must contain one entry for each keyword. Use empty parentheses ( ) or a dash (-) to specify the default value for an entry.



Required. The SCH_PLUGIN column specifies the shared module name for the LSF scheduler plugin. Scheduler plugins are called in the order they are listed in the PluginModule section.

By default, all shared modules for scheduler plugins are located in LSF_LIBDIR. On UNIX, you can also specify a full path to the name of the scheduler plugin.

The following modules are supplied with LSF:


Enables the default LSF scheduler features.


Enables the first-come, first-served (FCFS) scheduler features. schmod_fcfs can appear anywhere in the SCH_PLUGIN list. By default, if schmod_fcfs is not configured in lsb.modules, it is loaded automatically along with schmod_default.

Source code (sch.mod.fcfs.c) for the schmod_fcfs scheduler plugin module is installed in the directory

Use the LSF scheduler plugin SDK to modify the FCFS scheduler module code to suit the job scheduling requirements of your site.

See IBM Platform LSF Programmer’s Guide for more detailed information about writing, building, and configuring your own custom scheduler plugins.


Enables the LSF fairshare scheduling features.


Enables the LSF resource allocation limit features.


Enables scheduling of parallel jobs submitted with bsub -n.


Enables the LSF resource reservation features.

To enable processor reservation, backfill, and memory reservation for parallel jobs, you must configure both schmod_parallel and schmod_reserve in lsb.modules. If only schmod_reserve is configured, backfill and memory reservation are enabled only for sequential jobs, and processor reservation is not enabled.


Enables the LSF preemption scheduler features.


Handles jobs that use advance reservations (brsvadd, brsvs, brsvdel, bsub -U)


Handles jobs that use SGI cpusets (bsub -ext[sched] "CPUSET[cpuset_options]")

The schmod_cpuset plugin name must be configured after the standard LSF plugin names in the PluginModule list.


Enables MultiCluster job forwarding


Enables resource ownership functionality of EGO-enabled SLA scheduling policies


Enables absolute priority scheduling (APS) policies configured by APS_PRIORITY in lsb.queues.

The schmod_aps plugin name must be configured after the schmod_fairshare plugin name in the PluginModule list, so that the APS value can override the fairshare job ordering decision.


Enables CPU and memory affinity scheduling configured by AFFINITY in lsf.hosts.

Scheduler plugin SDK

Use the LSF scheduler plugin SDK to write customized scheduler modules that give you more flexibility and control over job scheduling. Enable your custom scheduling policies by configuring your modules under SCH_PLUGIN in the PluginModules section of lsb.modules.

The directory

contains sample plugin code. See IBM Platform LSF Programmer’s Guide for more detailed information about writing, building, and configuring your own custom scheduler plugins.



SCH_DISABLE_PHASES specifies which scheduler phases, if any, to be disabled for the plugin. LSF scheduling has four phases:
  1. Preprocessing - the scheduler checks the readiness of the job for scheduling and prepares a list of ready resource seekers. It also checks the start time of a job, and evaluates any job dependencies.

  2. Match/limit - the scheduler evaluates the job resource requirements and prepares candidate hosts for jobs by matching jobs with resources. It also applies resource allocation limits. Jobs with all required resources matched go on to order/allocation phase. Not all jobs are mapped to all potential available resources. Jobs without any matching resources will not go through the Order/Allocation Phase but can go through the Post-processing phase, where preemption may be applied to get resources the job needs to run.

  3. Order/allocation - the scheduler sorts jobs with matched resources and allocates resources for each job, assigning job slot, memory, and other resources to the job. It also checks if the allocation satisfies all constraints defined in configuration, such as queue slot limit, deadline for the job, etc.
    1. In the order phase, the scheduler applies policies such as FCFS, Fairshare and Host-partition and consider job priorities within user groups and share groups. By default, job priority within a pool of jobs from the same user is based on how long the job has been pending.

    2. For resource intensive jobs (jobs requiring a lot of CPUs or a large amount of memory), resource reservation is performed so that these jobs are not starved.

    3. When all the currently available resources are allocated, jobs go on to post-processing.

  4. Post-processing - the scheduler prepares jobs from the order/allocation phase for dispatch and applies preemption or backfill policies to obtain resources for the jobs that have completed pre-processing or match/limit phases, but did not have resources available to enter the next scheduling phase.

Each scheduler plugin module invokes one or more scheduler phase. The processing for a give phase can be disabled or skipped if:

The plugin module does not need to do any processing for that phase or the processing has already been done by a previous plugin module in the list.

