By default, user group administrators can control all jobs that are submitted by users who are members of the user group.
Define STRICT_UG_CONTROL=Y in lsb.params to:
Configure user group administrators for user groups with all as a member
Limit user group administrators to controlling jobs in the user group when jobs are submitted with bsub -G.
For example, for the configuration shown and the default setting STRICT_UG_CONTROL=N in lsb.params, user1 submits a job:
bsub -G marketing job1.
job1 can be controlled by user group administrators for both the marketing and financial user groups since user1 is a member of both groups.
With STRICT_UG_CONTROL=Y defined, only the user group administrators for marketing can control job1. In addition, a user group administrator can be set for the group engineering which has all as a member.